Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"Simply around you." River uttered quietly, enjoying his warmth.
Lucas rolled over in his sleep, and flicked his eyes open. "Hey. Good morning." He croaked to Eva.
Xylo found it hard to disguise his satisfaction at those words, and his grin showed that. HE let her snuggle closer as he did the same, holding her close as they relaxed in the bed for a few moments before the day began. After a little while, he asked gently "Want to get the day started? Or lay here some more? Regardless, I'd like to spend some more time with you today if we can."
Eva gave him a smile before she responded in a hushed voice, not knowing if others were awake yet, "Hey, good morning, how'd you sleep?" As a ray of light entered the window through the gap where the curtains could not cover it and struck her glasses, she squinted and looked back at him with a sheepish smile.
Persepolis listened intently the whole time, "I'm so sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that. I somewhat hope that other girl broke his heart." She paused, muttering resentfully, "I liked a boy once, a rotten boy who did me no good." Her voice was cold as steel at the memory, but she said no more.
Luna nodded, grateful for her friend's compassion. She responded in turn, "Yeah, I don't think anyone deserves that. Well, except for people who do it." She gave a slight chuckle at that, but let it die away as she noticed Persepolis' bitter tone. She let the silence settle in, allowing for Persepolis to continue if she wished to or simply be quiet.
Luna nodded, grateful for her friend's compassion. She responded in turn, "Yeah, I don't think anyone deserves that. Well, except for people who do it." She gave a slight chuckle at that, but let it die away as she noticed Persepolis' bitter tone. She let the silence settle in, allowing for Persepolis to continue if she wished to or simply be quiet.
Persepolis sat for a moment, before reminiscing, "There was a time when I trusted someone. I was 13, young and naive. At that point I was a skilled traceuse and fighter. But I was still starving, fighting for every scrap." She paused, taking a breath, "There was this boy, my age, who would sneak me food from the kitchen. He was a cook. We'll call him John. He'd come find me, show me what he'd brought. When he gave me scrap he'd tell me that I was a great girl, smart, a good fighter. That I didn't deserve to be alone." She huffed, reprimanding her younger self, "I believed him, the fool that I was. Well, over time he convinced me to use my agility and hiding skills for bad. He trained me to steal for him, to pickpocket without getting caught. First it was a pair of socks, then a shirt, some pants, shoes and eventually bigger things like backpacks and knives. And a gun. Then one day he told me he needed some gear; he wanted the body armor and cloak that the leader's guards wore. He told me he'd be my partner in return. Lovedrunk, I did what he asked." She gritted her teeth, "I snuck past the crowds to the guards who watched over the vault with the gear. I knocked them out. Or, at least I thought I did. I got into the vault and stole the gear, putting it on myself to carry it better. I started to make my way along the wall, acting like I belonged there. Before I knew it the guards I thought I had knocked out had grabbed me. They drug me to the leader, to be tried. When asked if I was working alone I said 'no, I'm with John' . They left and returned with John. They asked him if he knew me and he said he didn't, but he had seen me taking food from the kitchen. He pulled out some photos to show the guard, they were of me eating the food he gave me, clearly the pictures were taken by someone else with a clear view. He had set me up." She let out a low growl, "The guards released him and I was charged with two counts of burglary. The only punishment I suffered was being a slave for two weeks. But my trust had been severely damaged." She stopped talking, letting her story sink in.
Xylo found it hard to disguise his satisfaction at those words, and his grin showed that. HE let her snuggle closer as he did the same, holding her close as they relaxed in the bed for a few moments before the day began. After a little while, he asked gently "Want to get the day started? Or lay here some more? Regardless, I'd like to spend some more time with you today if we can."
Eva gave him a smile before she responded in a hushed voice, not knowing if others were awake yet, "Hey, good morning, how'd you sleep?" As a ray of light entered the window through the gap where the curtains could not cover it and struck her glasses, she squinted and looked back at him with a sheepish smile.
(@RiverStorm )
Persepolis sat for a moment, before reminiscing, "There was a time when I trusted someone. I was 13, young and naive. At that point I was a skilled traceuse and fighter. But I was still starving, fighting for every scrap." She paused, taking a breath, "There was this boy, my age, who would sneak me food from the kitchen. He was a cook. We'll call him John. He'd come find me, show me what he'd brought. When he gave me scrap he'd tell me that I was a great girl, smart, a good fighter. That I didn't deserve to be alone." She huffed, reprimanding her younger self, "I believed him, the fool that I was. Well, over time he convinced me to use my agility and hiding skills for bad. He trained me to steal for him, to pickpocket without getting caught. First it was a pair of socks, then a shirt, some pants, shoes and eventually bigger things like backpacks and knives. And a gun. Then one day he told me he needed some gear; he wanted the body armor and cloak that the leader's guards wore. He told me he'd be my partner in return. Lovedrunk, I did what he asked." She gritted her teeth, "I snuck past the crowds to the guards who watched over the vault with the gear. I knocked them out. Or, at least I thought I did. I got into the vault and stole the gear, putting it on myself to carry it better. I started to make my way along the wall, acting like I belonged there. Before I knew it the guards I thought I had knocked out had grabbed me. They drug me to the leader, to be tried. When asked if I was working alone I said 'no, I'm with John' . They left and returned with John. They asked him if he knew me and he said he didn't, but he had seen me taking food from the kitchen. He pulled out some photos to show the guard, they were of me eating the food he gave me, clearly the pictures were taken by someone else with a clear view. He had set me up." She let out a low growl, "The guards released him and I was charged with two counts of burglary. The only punishment I suffered was being a slave for two weeks. But my trust had been severely damaged." She stopped talking, letting her story sink in.
(I'm sorry for the short reply, now I feel bad lol)
Luna simply took all that in, allowing for the story to settle on her. It was clear both of them had had their hearts broken, in their individualistic manners. And as a result, they had both grown remarkably colder...but here they were, changing that. Persepolis was already together with Hector, and she was trying with Alec, even though it appeared that it perhaps wouldn't work out. The main improvement the two showed was that they were taking a chance. She finally turned to look at Persepolis, before she responded genuinely "That's awful Persepolis. I'm so sorry about that, you were young and you didn't now better I guess." She then added quietly, still noting her bitter tone, "But we've grown, both of us. Just look at you, you're slowly falling in love with Hector, and that had to have taken a lot of courage to do, regarding what happened in the past."
(I'm sorry for the short reply, now I feel bad lol)
Luna simply took all that in, allowing for the story to settle on her. It was clear both of them had had their hearts broken, in their individualistic manners. And as a result, they had both grown remarkably colder...but here they were, changing that. Persepolis was already together with Hector, and she was trying with Alec, even though it appeared that it perhaps wouldn't work out. The main improvement the two showed was that they were taking a chance. She finally turned to look at Persepolis, before she responded genuinely "That's awful Persepolis. I'm so sorry about that, you were young and you didn't now better I guess." She then added quietly, still noting her bitter tone, "But we've grown, both of us. Just look at you, you're slowly falling in love with Hector, and that had to have taken a lot of courage to do, regarding what happened in the past."
Persepolis nodded, her mood brightening, "You're right. We are improving and that's important. I'm falling for Hector because I feel I can trust him. I hope that you can be with Alec." She gave her a friendly smile, her best wishes obvious.
Xylo found it hard to disguise his satisfaction at those words, and his grin showed that. HE let her snuggle closer as he did the same, holding her close as they relaxed in the bed for a few moments before the day began. After a little while, he asked gently "Want to get the day started? Or lay here some more? Regardless, I'd like to spend some more time with you today if we can."
Eva gave him a smile before she responded in a hushed voice, not knowing if others were awake yet, "Hey, good morning, how'd you sleep?" As a ray of light entered the window through the gap where the curtains could not cover it and struck her glasses, she squinted and looked back at him with a sheepish smile.
River peeled her eyes open, which had flicked shut in contentment. "We should probably get the day started. And yes, I would love to spend some time with you today."
"I slept well. How did you sleep?" Lucas said, sitting up and stretching.
River peeled her eyes open, which had flicked shut in contentment. "We should probably get the day started. And yes, I would love to spend some time with you today."
"I slept well. How did you sleep?" Lucas said, sitting up and stretching.
Xylo sat up in the bed, giving her a mischievous smile before he stood up. He eyed her out the corner of his eye, stating ambiguously "I'll have to plan something for us to do. Leave you guessing about it all day." He paused, before he added affectionately "Have a nice day, my angel."
Eva responded in turn "I slept well too, it makes me feel safer sleeping alongside you, in case that man was to come back again. SO thank you for letting me share your room, I hope its not too bad."
Persepolis nodded, her mood brightening, "You're right. We are improving and that's important. I'm falling for Hector because I feel I can trust him. I hope that you can be with Alec." She gave her a friendly smile, her best wishes obvious.
Luna returned the friendly smile, even though her mind has obviously drifted off somewhere else. After a little while of pondering, she responded in turn "I sure hope so too..." Her eyes finally returned to her friend, after her contemplation. Specifically, it had to do with how that could happen, what she could do to make it so.

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