Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Luna smiled in return, relieved to see he hadn't ushered her away yet, but rather seemed...excited to see her? She sat beside him and looked over to respond cheerfully "I'm doing good too, I'm glad to hear you are." She made sure to sit close but not the point where their bodies touched, so as to avoid him becoming uncomfortable.

"How did you sleep?" Alec asked her.
Persepolis replied honestly , "I didn't sleep any, I was out with Luna all night. My day has been great so far and it's even better now that you're here." She gave him a soft smile.
Hector smiled at her kindly spoken yet genuine words. He asked gently, worrying for her health, "Do you want to sleep? Maybe go somewhere shady where you can doze off, just us two? I don't want you know, get sick or anything." It was clear Hector cared about her, after focusing on her well being so fervently, even though Persepolis had never mentioned she was tired, even though she most likely was.
"How did you sleep?" Alec asked her.
Luna responded after some hesitation "Didn't sleep much last night actually, what about you?" She stretched her feet out, pointing her toes towards the fire, abruptly bringing them back in towards herself after an ember flew on her leg. As she realized she had bumped into Alec and was sitting rather close to him, she apologized, embarrassed, "i'm sorry, I guess your fire doesn't like me that much." she offered him a sheepish smile as she backed away, giving him some space away from her on the log.
Hector smiled at her kindly spoken yet genuine words. He asked gently, worrying for her health, "Do you want to sleep? Maybe go somewhere shady where you can doze off, just us two? I don't want you know, get sick or anything." It was clear Hector cared about her, after focusing on her well being so fervently, even though Persepolis had never mentioned she was tired, even though she most likely was.
Persepolis smiled, "That sounds great. And you're right, if I'm this tired I'm a lot more likely to get sick or injured." She gently reached forward to hold his hand while she waited for him to be ready to go.
Luna responded after some hesitation "Didn't sleep much last night actually, what about you?" She stretched her feet out, pointing her toes towards the fire, abruptly bringing them back in towards herself after an ember flew on her leg. As she realized she had bumped into Alec and was sitting rather close to him, she apologized, embarrassed, "i'm sorry, I guess your fire doesn't like me that much." she offered him a sheepish smile as she backed away, giving him some space away from her on the log.

"Why not? Is everything okay?" Alec asked. "I slept good for once. Yeah, I guess it doesn't." He said, & smiled.
(My original plan was for him to get captured by the hunters for studying or something, and then someone rescue him. I'm flexible though, what did you want to do?)
Crow eyed the dagger, and slowly put down the spoon. He'd have to figure out how to get away before this human called for reinforcements. If that happened... he could only hope that he could slip away in crow-form.
(@Dawnclucks22 ?)
Persepolis smiled, "That sounds great. And you're right, if I'm this tired I'm a lot more likely to get sick or injured." She gently reached forward to hold his hand while she waited for him to be ready to go.
Hector took her hand and gave it a chaste kiss before the two walked off towards a small cove of trees he knew of. It was rather private, and had grass on a slight incline for Persepolis to sleep on. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived, and Hector moved the leaves out of the way to let her enter, before he questioned gently "How do you like it?" Sunlight gently seeped through the cracks here and there, but it was rather shadowed due to the tree cover.
"Why not? Is everything okay?" Alec asked. "I slept good for once. Yeah, I guess it doesn't." He said, & smiled.
Luna smiled some regarding the humorous comment about the fire, before she continued gently, pensively "I was thinking about life...if I'll survive all this, the other Aves, my life before I became an Aves, you..." Her eyes showed sincerity but also some burden, most likely emotional. She appreciated that he cared enough to ask how she was doing and such, it meant a lot.
Xylo smile satisfactorily, as he left to exit the building and begin his day, which actually would involve him marking a map of the area he had found in the cabin. Admittedly, he also had in mind something to do with River later, and that wasn't as easy to think up.
Eva groaned as he toyed with her emotions, not sure if she did in fact snore or not. That flicker of mischief only played with her more; she loved it when the two joked around, and didn't mind it whatsoever. She got out of her bed and got on his crawling over him so she stared down at him, before she asked teasingly "What if I told you you snore."
(@RiverStorm )

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