Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"Oh." Alec said. He looked into the fire & watched the flames dance around.
Luna didn't know what to respond to his simplistic "oh", and simply sat in silence alongside him, her eyes drifting to the embers which jumped and romped within the confinement of their campfire's radius. The silence overtook them like a swarm of bees, however, it invited him to respond, break said silence and perhaps express himself somewhat.
Persepolis took it all in, smiling with pleasure. She breathed, "It's perfect here. Plenty shaded but not too cold. And private enough that it doesn't feel exposed." She took off her jacket and folded it up neatly into a square on the ground; it was warm enough to just wear her tanktop.
She sat in front of her folded jacket and glanced at Hector, motioning to the spot beside her but not pulling him down in case he didn't want to sit or lie down.
Hector laid down beside her, rolling on his side to rub against her shoulder gently. The chirps of the birds shrouded in the ever-verdant green above them, the gentle breeze which would occasionally pass through and give said green a pleasant ruffle, the grass beneath all seemed perfect. As if they were secluded from the bloody reality they found themselves in for a brief moment. And Hector intended to enjoy every second of this alternate, pleasant reality with her, savoring the safety the cove provided, the privacy it offered, and the shelter it presented the pair.
Hector laid down beside her, rolling on his side to rub against her shoulder gently. The chirps of the birds shrouded in the ever-verdant green above them, the gentle breeze which would occasionally pass through and give said green a pleasant ruffle, the grass beneath all seemed perfect. As if they were secluded from the bloody reality they found themselves in for a brief moment. And Hector intended to enjoy every second of this alternate, pleasant reality with her, savoring the safety the cove provided, the privacy it offered, and the shelter it presented the pair.
Persepolis rolled to face him, daring to lay her head softly against his chest. Her breathing was slow and level but she was not asleep. Instead, she was enjoying his presence as the breeze blew. She was entirely happy for once and wanted to enjoy every moment of it.
Persepolis rolled to face him, daring to lay her head softly against his chest. Her breathing was slow and level but she was not asleep. Instead, she was enjoying his presence as the breeze blew. She was entirely happy for once and wanted to enjoy every moment of it.
Hector looked down at her curiously as she rested her head on his chest, finding an odd satisfaction when she did so. She was so interesting, how she rested on his chest. Hector was well aware she could probably beat him and quite a few others in camp when in came to fighting, yet she rested on him like she found comfort in him. And he cherished that, being able to provide comfort for her. As her hair ruffled in the wind, his hand extended to gently comb it down in place, in an affectionate, gentle, manner.
Hector looked down at her curiously as she rested her head on his chest, finding an odd satisfaction when she did so. She was so interesting, how she rested on his chest. Hector was well aware she could probably beat him and quite a few others in camp when in came to fighting, yet she rested on him like she found comfort in him. And he cherished that, being able to provide comfort for her. As her hair ruffled in the wind, his hand extended to gently comb it down in place, in an affectionate, gentle, manner.
Persepolis smiled softly as he combed her hair. Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted off into a gentle and light sleep.
She was flying. This time in her eagle form. Gliding effortlessly, she banked in the direction of the mansion.

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