Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

woo hoo, what is happening this morning?
Sorry, life has been really busy here the last few days.
We have 3 new Welsummer babies at the parsonage! Thanks Aussie Sharon, they are so precious...and we are just watching them like a new baby in the house (they are currently in my LR
They were 2 days late, temps ran a little low...
seem healthy, chirpy, and my dogs are quite pleased with theirselves...

the littlest one, Minx, is not quite sure about them...Pepper is thrilled again!

I will post pictures... my batteries are charging.
I really think, that the egg turning has a bigger effect on the health of the chicks somewhat more than the long as it's not a big variance...while this is just summation, and guess-tamation, I have seen the temps, and then in a batch last year, we had to leave unexpectedly, and the eggs went without turning for several days....nothing we could do, and the batch of chickens was pitiful. All but 3 died from that disaster, and for 4 it was a mercy.
I'm so curious about so many aspects of hatching, I wish I had more time to study on them. My advice, turn those eggs, the temps have to be good, but turn those eggs!

Working on Christmas projects tonight, stove is putting out good heat, and the tree lights are to all.... "a good night!"

Ya'll come
The Parsonswife
Working on Christmas projects tonight, stove is putting out good heat, and the tree lights are to all.... "a good night!"

Glad to hear that all is well with you and yours Gwen
Ok, Choir practice is finished, play practice is over...(
wondering how that ones going to go...
and now have a few minutes to plink...
Wonderful excited about our performance! Did I tell ya'll we are going to perform the Hallelujah chorus...the comedy version? he he he...I've begged someone to take took the Rev. helping in this one so he can't take photos'....I'm going to video it...not sure I'll have the nerve to show it....

But it is a lot of fun! Good selections this year...
Our ladies Christmas banquet is this Thursday...and the Choir concert is Friday night!

I think I go through this everytime! Thanks for suffering with me!
Oh, I have something wonderful to share with you! Some may not understand it...but I just want to tell it...maybe encourage someone else.
I attend college on a pell grant, and for the 1st time EVER..I got a phone call and they told me, after some refigures I had more money coming to me...I was thinking $10 or $15 dollars...but the Lord had more than that in store for me! It was Christmas money for my little dears! Christmas has arrived at the parsonage! I had a budget set, but this year, it got to have a little extra! Isn't that exciting? I budget, and budget, and stretch and stretch some's just wonderful! I'm so very thankful. It might be pocket change for some...but here....a miracle. The church mice will eat well this year...
(ya know..."poor as church mice" )
When I picked up the check...I just said..."Praise the Lord!" the lady looked up and smiled at me...I think she may have felt a bit like Santa Claus.

Oh yes, here are the 3 little dears that have become part of the life at the parsonage! Aren't they cuties?!!

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ahhhh how cute...

I had that happen to me with the pell grant before also ... it was quite a bit of left over $ and it coinsided with my work toward salvation..
A+ for the REV. !!!

Look what he brought me home from the flea market...paid $5 for it and it sews like a dream...I now have 3 sewing machines...
but this one...well, here it is...
edited to add: It is a singer touch and sew II model manual, if anyone knows anything about this machine let me came with a box of looks like gears...?? will take a pic. of that...

Merry Christmas from the parsonage!
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