Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Don't forget, if your going to color your hair or anything do it in the next day or so. You DO NOT want to do that last minute. You have to have time to make corrections if the unthinkable happens. Make sure you and Ken get some quiet time too before the big day.
Don't forget, if your going to color your hair or anything do it in the next day or so. You DO NOT want to do that last minute. You have to have time to make corrections if the unthinkable happens. Make sure you and Ken get some quiet time too before the big day.
I timed it last time I colored my hair and it took 8 days to look "normal", so I am doing it on the 14th, 10 days ahead of time. I am only trimming the dead ends off my hair, getting my bangs fixed right.
Yea I did mine 2 days before hand. Not a good move.
I remember the first time I dyed my hair red. I looked like Lucy and completely freaked out, bought more brown dye and it turned green. This was long before primary colored hair was fashionable. What a nightmare. Now I use the same color, same product, every time.
I am a natural brunette, and in 1998 I decided to color my hair red. BIG Mistake! It was cute at first, but after 5 or 6 years I got tired of it. Red takes forever to get out. I STILL have some red in my hair, and I've been using dark brown since 2003. :/

Deb, I have to say, I am getting very excited for you. How is the Groom handling the excitement?
LOL!!! He is playing with the music. I think we are going to wind up songs that are a tad bit inappropriate, but why the heck not?? I am doing some last minute things this weekend because next weekend is for me to get my hair and nails done and get the house ready for the ceremony and party. I can't believe it is almost here already!!!
At my cousin's wedding, we had the guests write a limerick about the bride and groom. Some of them turned out to be a little more 'colourful' than we thought they would turn out!
It was fun, anyways... We got some pretty sweet and thoughtful ones, too.
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