Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I just want to give a very strong second to what Cassie said. Having been in and around healthcare for most of my life, I can certainly attest to many many incidents where people just refused to die in the predicted time and again many many times died of something unrelated to what they were supposed to die of. The course of the human adventure cannot ever be accurately predicted. You two will write your own unique story.
Well I need to agree with both of you. Same thing happened with my mom and it was much longer than 2 years and if she hadn't been mistreated, she'd probably still be around.

Deb, my husband was stuck with an infected needle at work and the patient had HepC. Since the needle hit bone marrow he ended up having it at the same rate and they didn't think he'd be around as long as he was and then he ran into a couple of doctors at the VA hospital that said he had done everything right with keeping up with it and would probably die of old age before he died of Hep-C. He wasn't old as far as I'm concerned, but if they had found the heart condition in time, he'd probably still be with me. But for years I worried, because the Hep-C hit so quick and at such a strong rate, they didn't think he'd live for more than 2 years. He got stuck the day after our 1st anniversary and died 11 days before our 11th, so I had him a round a lot longer than I first though, but after them saying he was doing well I still lost him, which was unexpected and a shock. And knowing something is going to happen is no less painful than having it happen suddenly. I just hope Ken is around for you for decades! You really don't ever know. I was supposed to not live much past 16. I just became a great grandmother last month.
wolftracks: That is so sad! I'm sorry you had to go through that

I knew a man years ago, who had cancer. He enjoyed telling me how when the doctor told him he had 3 months to live, he said to the doctor "I'll come back in 4 months and tell you all about it!" He lived about 3 years longer than the doctors gave him. I think the doctors are pessimistic, just in case, to be on the safe side. Or maybe they just don't know...
wolftracks: That is so sad! I'm sorry you had to go through that

I knew a man years ago, who had cancer. He enjoyed telling me how when the doctor told him he had 3 months to live, he said to the doctor "I'll come back in 4 months and tell you all about it!" He lived about 3 years longer than the doctors gave him. I think the doctors are pessimistic, just in case, to be on the safe side. Or maybe they just don't know...

They don't know a friend had a family member die of cancer and he had an appointment for his cancer doctor a week after he died and they forgot to cancel it (he had seen the doctor a week before he died) and the doctor's office called to remind about the appointment and they said he passed late the week before, and the nurse who called (yes it was the doctor's head nurse) said "we didn't see that happening"
Well I need to agree with both of you. Same thing happened with my mom and it was much longer than 2 years and if she hadn't been mistreated, she'd probably still be around.

Deb, my husband was stuck with an infected needle at work and the patient had HepC. Since the needle hit bone marrow he ended up having it at the same rate and they didn't think he'd be around as long as he was and then he ran into a couple of doctors at the VA hospital that said he had done everything right with keeping up with it and would probably die of old age before he died of Hep-C. He wasn't old as far as I'm concerned, but if they had found the heart condition in time, he'd probably still be with me. But for years I worried, because the Hep-C hit so quick and at such a strong rate, they didn't think he'd live for more than 2 years. He got stuck the day after our 1st anniversary and died 11 days before our 11th, so I had him a round a lot longer than I first though, but after them saying he was doing well I still lost him, which was unexpected and a shock. And knowing something is going to happen is no less painful than having it happen suddenly. I just hope Ken is around for you for decades! You really don't ever know. I was supposed to not live much past 16. I just became a great grandmother last month.
God has His plan for each and every one of us. One of my dearest friends has HepC and has lived with it for over 20 years now. It does not have to be a death sentence.
God has His plan for each and every one of us. One of my dearest friends has HepC and has lived with it for over 20 years now. It does not have to be a death sentence.
Right and even though it was so fast to advance and they had doubts at first, Bill made sure he took care of it correctly. Used to be, this was a really bad disease. Now days, there are lots of things people live throught that other didn't before. Same goes for lost of things. Wish they'd do better with cancer though. You'd think by now there would be cures for everything.
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