Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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yea that's why I laughed at the advice columnist, I mean a diet and false teeth is an acceptable trade off for not being dead, or on oxygen all the time at least in my opinion.....
You got that right!!! Though Ken has responded REALLY well to having oxygen available at his fingertips. And now that he has all his meds, with refills even!!!, he is feeling better than he has in a long time. It is very nice to see him excited about something (the deli).
That's wonderful, Debi! I'm glad he's feeling better and I hope the deli does well for him (and you of course!)
Is it Sunday night already???? Good grief I just got my laundry into the dryer. I know what happened. It normally takes me an hour to go to Smart & Final and then the grocery store. Yesterday Ken tagged along, 3 hours later....... And every time he goes we ALWAYS spend more.

Today I went to our daughters house to get the bowls for the potato salad and coleslaw for the deli - she took them home Friday. Had to wait around for the police to come as they called and wanted to talk to her about her egg donor (birth mother), not good news, she is back on drugs. Then I managed to get behind every single person in the entire world that drives 20 MPH below the speed limit, grocery store again, feed store and home. 4 hours gone.
It might be good to look at his medications' side effects if this is a new problem. Next look at his daily routine and make sure he has one. The body likes it when the routine is the same. Establish relaxing habits before bed (dinner,warm bath, reading and relaxing, hot chocolate). If he is napping during the day, he may be getting enough sleep, but may not be able to sleep at night. Some of the inhalers like albuterol ramp up the whole system and interfere with sleep if taken close to bedtime.
Xanax is not specifically for sleep, it's for anxiety. If insomnia is related to anxiety, it will help. If it's related to some other issue, it might not do as well. There are other medications that are specifically designed for insomnia. Talk to your doctor.
Ken is now having insomnia, even after taking a Xanax. I did recommend to him NOT to take more of it, it just may not work for him. Any suggestions?

also have the docs take a re-look on what meds he may not need or could lower the dose on, perhaps it is his body's way of saying I'm not getting something or getting too much of something else and ask if they could consult with a dietitian to see if it might be some strange reaction to food or drink. Either way he might feel better and use less meds or a med that's not as hard on his system if he could just cut one or two small things out of his diet. (diet may not have a darn thing to do with it but at least it is worth asking someone who might be more knowledgeable about it for some suggestions....)
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