Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I TOLD you there were huge!!! Everyone always see goats as these little tiny cutsey things. Not these guys!!!! So for me to head butted by him, yeah THAT one did it, and still be standing was AWESOME.
Holy goat! Debi, what have you been feeding that thing?!
Looks like a moose without antlers. Are you sure he's a goat?

C'mon Lothiriel, you're the picture fixer.... stick some on top of his head!
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I can't stop LAUGHING!!!! I can just picture myself trying to slip Bert or Ernie on their back.... ROTFLMAO!!!!!!
Believe me, you can do it if you are mad enough. I have. It is amazing what a little adrenaline can do. None of my own bucks would ever have DARED to butt me, but I had a visitor who was spoiled and had never been taught any manners. He butted me. Once. I reached down under his belly, grabbed his legs on the other side, and pulled them right out from under him. He went down with a crash with me on top of him. I was furious. He never tried that with me again, though.
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