Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I think you are handling everything fine. Just keep carrying on and you will be ready to face anything.
I get scared. We are renting now. I know I will have to move after he is gone. Yet I can't seem to prepare myself for that. In fact, I want to hang on to MORE crap than I need to. I keep saying to myself, I want to keep the chickens, but more and more lately, I just not interested. I care for them, feed them, keep them clean and change their water, but I feel like I am going through the motions. I need to regroup.

Today I realized that after we learned Ken's disability would take care of July's rent, I went nuts and paid too many bills. I needed to go to my mom for a check. How stupid was that? I am normally ok with finances. I combined my two piles of bills. I caught myself, but too late. *sigh*
That's such a gorgeous cake, Debi! Congrats on making it all official, although with how much in love you two are I think that if you were married in an old t-shirt and jean shorts in a parking lot it would all still be beautiful.

Continuing prayers for you guys.

Haha thats how my mom n' dad married! rented a preacher, grabed and dress n' suit, made a cake, got married, LOL, In total it was a 100$ wedding

(im reading through the entire thread so i see how this is random)4

Beautiful cake and rings and boquet! I thought you were already married tho ?
I get scared. We are renting now. I know I will have to move after he is gone. Yet I can't seem to prepare myself for that. In fact, I want to hang on to MORE crap than I need to. I keep saying to myself, I want to keep the chickens, but more and more lately, I just not interested. I care for them, feed them, keep them clean and change their water, but I feel like I am going through the motions. I need to regroup.

Today I realized that after we learned Ken's disability would take care of July's rent, I went nuts and paid too many bills. I needed to go to my mom for a check. How stupid was that? I am normally ok with finances. I combined my two piles of bills. I caught myself, but too late. *sigh*
Stress can make the mind work in bizarre ways. Even when you think you are being perfectly rational and have all your wits about you. A person can only cope with so much at a time, and beyond that the mind, or what's left of it, seems to shut down a bit. I think it's called survival mode.
I get scared. We are renting now. I know I will have to move after he is gone. Yet I can't seem to prepare myself for that. In fact, I want to hang on to MORE crap than I need to. I keep saying to myself, I want to keep the chickens, but more and more lately, I just not interested. I care for them, feed them, keep them clean and change their water, but I feel like I am going through the motions. I need to regroup.

Today I realized that after we learned Ken's disability would take care of July's rent, I went nuts and paid too many bills. I needed to go to my mom for a check. How stupid was that? I am normally ok with finances. I combined my two piles of bills. I caught myself, but too late. *sigh*

Part of what I'm sure is so stressful for you is that you really don't know how long Ken has, so it's really hard to prepare to move when you don't know if it will be in six months, two years, or ten years. Do what you can. Don't stress too badly over what you can't. If you are finding that you really aren't enjoying your chickens, and you need to focus your time or energy elsewhere, do what YOU need to do. If you need to re-home them now, you can always get more later, if and when you feel up to it. The main thing is for you to do what is best for you and Ken. I've tried to talk myself into continuing to do things because I used to enjoy them, or I'm 'supposed' to want do it, and have found that letting go for a while is sometimes the best thing to do. Especially when there are a lot of stressors in my life.

and continued prayers being sent your way.
Sending you prayers and positive thoughts.... I've just read the entire thread, and I'm so impressed with your strength and courage.
Sending you prayers and positive thoughts.... I've just read the entire thread, and I'm so impressed with your strength and courage.
I can't imagine coming here and reading this entire thing!! You must like to read. I know I do.

Ken has thought up another business venture and he actually has people interested, people with money. It certainly has put him in a good frame of mind.
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