Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Please cut me some slack, Deb. All ER nurses are type A and I am a regular can do machine. I am the one who always wants to help you put starch in your corset, even if you hadn't planned on wearing a corset. I apologize if I come on too strong. I love your calm sense of what's going on, but I do believe we can at least make a small dent and that the only way to master a big problem is to get it down to pieces with which we are more comfortable. Most of us actually all have wicked senses of humour, too. (A necessary tool in the profession). I'll try and take my own advice and lighten up, but you were planning on wearing a corset, weren't you? You'll need it!
Please cut me some slack, Deb. All ER nurses are type A and I am a regular can do machine. I am the one who always wants to help you put starch in your corset, even if you hadn't planned on wearing a corset.
I love the "regular can do machine" image!
you can help me starch my corset any time, lord knows it sometimes could use a bit more starch...
<this is me chuckling and shaking my head>

so will one of y'all send me an email I can send a paypal to already?


Saturday as I was pulling out of the Walmart parking lot there was a guy standing there by the drive with his duffle bag and a cardboard sign . he was 50ish, clean cut, looked intellegent enough and as if he took care of trying to look respectable.
his sign said "Lost Everything Need Work".
that and his body language and expression just killed me... he looked crushed, embarassed, maybe ashamed.
it was 4pm and over a hundred degrees. hed been out there for hours in the sun.
I didn't have a job to give him but I asked him if he'd eaten that day, he hadn't.
I went back to Walmart and bought him a grilled chicken and some bananas and a jug of apple juice and some water. and gave him the $21 I had left in my pocket.

I don't help everyone, but sometimes I'm moved to help. I don't generally argue with whatever moves me to do that. I can't often do much, but I do what I can.

someone send me an email to paypal to already.
<this is me chuckling and shaking my head>

so will one of y'all send me an email I can send a paypal to already?


Saturday as I was pulling out of the Walmart parking lot there was a guy standing there by the drive with his duffle bag and a cardboard sign . he was 50ish, clean cut, looked intellegent enough and as if he took care of trying to look respectable.
his sign said "Lost Everything Need Work".
that and his body language and expression just killed me... he looked crushed, embarassed, maybe ashamed.
it was 4pm and over a hundred degrees. hed been out there for hours in the sun.
I didn't have a job to give him but I asked him if he'd eaten that day, he hadn't.
I went back to Walmart and bought him a grilled chicken and some bananas and a jug of apple juice and some water. and gave him the $21 I had left in my pocket.

I don't help everyone, but sometimes I'm moved to help. I don't generally argue with whatever moves me to do that. I can't often do much, but I do what I can.

someone send me an email to paypal to already.

zzGypsy, I know what you mean.

I was leaving the grocery store one day with my DH, actually in the car and exiting the parking lot. Near the parking lot entrance was a scruffy-looking, homeless older man with a beat-up backpack who had two medium-sized dogs that looked much better cared for then he did. The man wasn't asking for money, he had simply stopped where he could sit on a curb and was feeding the dogs something from his pack. The dogs were grinning, wagging and just had that look that every dog owner knows when a dog is totally happy and content.

I asked DH to turn around and go back, and gave that man every bit of cash I had (it wasn't much, maybe $40 or so), and wished him well. He gave me a hug and wished me the same. I'll never forget him and his dogs.

You people are relentless.

[email protected] And anyone who wants my address can send me an email for it.

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