Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Definitely put operating a motorcycle on your list! There is nothing like it. If you're uncomfortable on two wheels, try a trike, a voyager kit, or a spyder. We had to sell my bike a couple years ago, but I will have one again someday. For now, I ride with DH. His was paid for, we couldn't afford to keep paying on mine. But - OHHHHHH! the freedom! Undescribable. I could have a bad week, and a couple hours in the saddle would put a huge grin on my face.
Definitely put operating a motorcycle on your list! There is nothing like it. If you're uncomfortable on two wheels, try a trike, a voyager kit, or a spyder. We had to sell my bike a couple years ago, but I will have one again someday. For now, I ride with DH. His was paid for, we couldn't afford to keep paying on mine. But - OHHHHHH! the freedom! Undescribable. I could have a bad week, and a couple hours in the saddle would put a huge grin on my face.
I had a bike for a while, used to commute to work on it - 40 minute ride through curving one-lane canyons... really a NICE ride!

I noticed a few things... you smell the environment when you're on a bike, something I never noticed even in my convertible. and you feel tiny changes in temperature, like between patches of sun and patches of shadow. and on motorcycle commute days, I didn't need coffee. and it made my volatile relationship with my (now ex-) husband much nicer - we fought less. apparently I am a stimulation junkie. coffee, motorcycle trip, fight with the husband... one of those is needed to complete my day.

and then after 2 years of riding I started to get less and less comfortable on the bike, instead of more. decided that was a clue for me to stop riding.

I did love the feeling of the being one with the bike... as if they weren't the bike's wheels but *my* wheels, as if it wasn't the bike's power, it was *my* power... when you've ridden long enough that the bike just does what you think, whithout having to think about HOW to make it do, it's very very very cool. curving canyon roads.

hearing people say "Hey! that's a GIRL!" ... not too bad either
It is not the motorcycle that seems dangerous to me - it is the total lack of protection from anything around you at speeds up to 70 MPH. I had a childhood friend, one of the most careful people I ever knew, killed on a motorcycle - he hit a tree after his bike slipped on some gravel on the road in a turn. Sorry, but they are not something I would recommend for a thrill. Especially if there are people dependant on you. They don't call them "Donercycles" at hospitals for nothing.
It is not the motorcycle that seems dangerous to me - it is the total lack of protection from anything around you at speeds up to 70 MPH. I had a childhood friend, one of the most careful people I ever knew, killed on a motorcycle - he hit a tree after his bike slipped on some gravel on the road in a turn. Sorry, but they are not something I would recommend for a thrill. Especially if there are people dependant on you. They don't call them "Donercycles" at hospitals for nothing.
yep, they can be dangerous (as many things can)... always a matter of choosing how you want to live your life. I always rode in full leathers (yes even in California 100+ weather) and the best helmet and gloves and boots I could buy.
I checked the fine print on my birth certificate... nothing there about being guaranteed a risk-free life

so I guess it's up to me to decide which risks to take. some joys are worth the risk they involve.
I made a deliberate decision to stop letting fear rule my life... that took a HUGE amount of work and years with a very good shrink (not to mention a ton of money spent there too.) I don't ride anymore because the joy ceased to be worth the risk, but for a couple of years, it surely was.

<now returning you to your regularly scheduled conversation>
Yes too true. I however will not bungie jump, ride a ferris wheel, parachute out of a perfectly functioning airplane, go spelunking in caves or underwater diving...riding a motorcycle seems far less dangerous to me. We have to choose our comfort levels in life and this is mine. My daughters were concerned but they know that I would rather die having (what I consider) a good time than sit on my porch waiting to die. Long as nobody tries to throw me out of a plane I'm good.
After some years witnessing the results of what we euphamistically called "failure to fly" accidents on "donor cycles", I gave up my limited career on the back of a motorcycle. Although it was fun while it lasted, my ex also gave it up after a lady who didn't see him, turned left into him and tried to make her own form of a metal sandwich. He was in the right (almost dead right), but was trumped by the mismatch of vehicles. Sometimes it just ain't fair out there. But, I will defend everybodies right to pick their own poison. Just sayin.
Yes too true. I however will not bungie jump, ride a ferris wheel, parachute out of a perfectly functioning airplane, go spelunking in caves or underwater diving...riding a motorcycle seems far less dangerous to me. We have to choose our comfort levels in life and this is mine. My daughters were concerned but they know that I would rather die having (what I consider) a good time than sit on my porch waiting to die. Long as nobody tries to throw me out of a plane I'm good.
I guess Im lucky as far as my daughter is concerned......she wants to learn to ride to...its her first desicion not to let fear run her life(very long story) and I am very proud of her now its an arguement on who gets to ride and who gets to watch teh younger ones
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