Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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how cute are those kittens!!!

more fun for you

The mother moved them, Ken thinks they are in the rafters. So he was going to get on the ladder and try to find them. Silly cat, moving them up that high!!
Please don't think this sounds tacky. We had ours at a VFW post. We lucked out. His grandfather had been a member before he died and everyone still remembered "little Chris" Anywho they had a really nice building and nice grounds too. Their hall had a dance floor and nice tables. The chairs were ugly and awful but I was going to rent some. They "decided" a week before our event that new chairs were needed and got some. They charged us a whopping $200. That included a bar tender and the use of their audio system. Just something to consider.

I was going to suggest that. That's where my sister had hers and it turned out nice.
I was going to suggest that. That's where my sister had hers and it turned out nice.
See previous post about our local VFW, hilarious!!! We are going to have it at our friends house and if people are crammed in, they are crammed in. It is only the ceremony where people would be tight, so we are just going to go with it and stop stressing over it.
Do you have a local YMCA? A lot of times, they have a large room for rent for events. Let's see... A friends church, the Y, a local civic group like the Lions or the Masons might have a hall. How about a local hotel?? Will they let you rent a small banquet room? Heck, contact some local businesses like a caterer in town. I bet the will be able to give you a whole list of places that they have done events for and could tell you about the . What about putting an ad on Craigslist? Stating that you and your fiancée are looking for a room and the date. Explain a little about the circumstances, and that due to medical expenses, you do not have a lot to spend. Maybe someone would come through for you.
I know there's a mason's hall in Redlands, been to lots of events there... older but nice place!
At this point I am tired and done stressing over it. No YMCA here and all the "halls" charge upwards of $400. Local hotels, yes, BUT they won't let us bring in our own food, and we do not have $14.50 per person for appetizers. ugh.
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