Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I don't understand why the pastor may not officate your marriage.....what rules bothers him?
He has only officiated 4 weddings. One of them the bride was 2 hours late and he almost missed a flight. He called back and said no thanks. I think he doesn't enjoy it. So now I need to find someone else.
This reminds me of this episode of dear Jim, where they knock out the minister and need to replace him real fast. Anywho check online my first google hit was one where you can become an ordained minister and perform weddings legally and its free. I agree it would be special to have someone close to you perform the wedding.

Daughter in law has been having contractions since her 6th month and has been on meds and bed rest. Tomorrow she is 36 weeks and stopping the meds. I may have a grand DAUGHTER this week!!!!
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