Lilly the rescue goose! Updated with Pics


10 Years
May 29, 2009
Washington state
I shouldn't have been perusing Craigslist, very dangerous, but that's how I found out about Lilly, a white goose who's "husband" Shredder had been killed by coyotes last week. She's all alone, and her owners are afraid to get any more poultry for fear of the coyote problem in their area. She was not to go for "food" as the ad said, she was a pet. I debated for a very long time, almost 0.00007 seconds, and shot an email to Lilly's owner.

I'm going to go pick her up in about an hour. The owner says she doesn't know what KIND of goose Lilly is, just that she is "small" and all white and doesn't have a knob on her forehead. So I'm figuring she's a non tufted Roman.

She is definitely a female, and was sitting on a clutch of eggs that was also lost to predators. I'm wasting no time getting out there, let me tell you.

I don't have any experience introducing adult geese to adult geese. I have two spoiled American Lavenders who get along great with their chicken and duck flock. Since Lilly is female, and per her previous owner, very shy, how would you integrate her? Separated for a few days in full view? They will all share a large pen during the day while I'm at work, and then get to roam the back yard while I'm home. TIA for any tips or advice!!
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When we added Bella La Goosie to the flock, we had her separated by a fence so she could see the other geese and "talk" to them.

We were out frequently and took her into their pen and sat and watched while they sniffed around each other. They were fine after a couple days.

Funny though, Bella was raised an only goose with an old man and a cat. When we were sitting out with them watching, more often than not, we would find her standing next to us watching the geese, too!
ROTFL!! You could almost hear her remarking to you about what STRANGE long necked waddling feathered cats those things were

I was hoping since she's female and shy she won't feel threatening to the other two.
I agree, let them see each other through the fence and once they chill out, integrate carefully.

Lilly the rescue goose sounds like the best good deed I've ever seen.. Get some karma and a goose! I can't wait to see PICTURES. (hint hint..)
Kim, although Lilly has had a "run" of bad luck as of late...I do believe she just hit the "Mother Load" of luck. I'm so happy you are going to add her to your flock of two! Looking forward to the update. Always love to hear your observations and detailed stories.

We just got home with her

She has blue eyes and is all white, her bill and legs are purely orange. She rode home on my lap (I forgot to bring a towel, of course) while my daughter drove. Let's just say I enjoyed every minute of bonding with her but the pants I was wearing, and the seat I was sitting on did not fare so well.

She is extremely raggedy and a little thin. Her condition isn't all that great. I am running her a bubble baff right now. I'll get my daughter to take some pics on her iPhone and get them posted right away. Definitely not interested in letting her in with the others now, just in case she's wormy or something.


Her wing feathers and tail feathers are grimy and obviously ungroomed by her. She feels "heavy", not light or bony. Her poop is mostly grass but very watery.

I have her in the kitchen in the "baby jail" (grandson's baby yard he outgrew) with unmedicated chick starter, chopped dandelions and vitamin water. She keeps sneaking her bill over toward the food but is very shy and wary. The dog, needless to say, is outside and not happy. He wouldn't bother her except that his very presence causes her to hiss and panic.

I'll keep her in for today just to watch her, make sure she doesn't appear ill.

THe previous owner mentioned (as I was getting in the car with her, of course) that Lilly had a period of seeming like she couldn't walk. She certainly can NOW, but she is a bit splay legged.

Anyway, here she is, welcome Lilly Peters

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