Limping Duck. Bumblefoot?


7 Years
Dec 15, 2012
I have a call duck hen that is less than a year old. She seemed to be having a little trouble walking a few weeks ago, but I assumed she must have just sprained her foot or something since nothing was obviously wrong. Anyway, a few days ago I went down to the pond to put them in for the night and she was really struggling to get around, so I separated her in the pen next door. Her foot is now definitely swollen, but there is nothing obviously wrong with it and its not particularly hot. I've given her a few epsom salt baths(1C salt to about 3/4 gallon water) and I brought her inside a few days ago when she didn't seem to be getting any better. I just don't know what to do. She is barely using her foot at all now and she wouldn't even let it down into the water when I gave her a bath. Now her foot is starting to feel really dry. Someone suggested putting Bacitracin on it and wrapping it up. Do you think that would help or is Bacitracin bad for ducks? Should I cut it open and get the stuff out? Keep soaking it? She is definitely still eating and drinking and making a huge mess of her cage, but she REALLY struggles to move around. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

*I`ll try to post some good pictures tomorrow
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If this has gone on a while, my approach would be both internal and external.

I try to avoid cutting at all costs. I haven't had a case very advanced here, though.

I don't bother wrapping the foot, because - well - my wraps don't stay on and I don't want to cut circulation.

What I would do:

Get the duck to a vet.

if that were not feasible,

Get some duramycin and look up dosages in the BYC archives
Twice daily Epsom salts soaks or compresses
Twice daily bath in lukewarm water deep enough to float in - half an hour or more
immediately after bath and soaks, triple antibiotic slathered all over the foot and leg
keep her in sick bay with clean bedding, plenty of fresh water and food until she can comfortably walk

Haunted55 has seen some good results with using clear iodine. But if you do not see a bumble, I don't know how you would apply that method.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I gave her a nice long bath today and she actually put her hurt foot in the water and moved the leg a little bit! Hopefully that means she`s at least starting to get better. Taking her to the vet is not an option for us, but I can definitely do the other things you said. Kind of confused on how much duramycin to give her though. I cant weigh it, so I need tsp measurements or something. What type of antibiotic would you recommend? I used non-medicated Neosporin this time.

Here are some pix

I am glad she has already responded.

I am not really well versed on which antibiotics, and dosage. With a little call, we want to be especially careful, I think. I like the add-it-to-water approach, which is what I did with the Tylan 50 the vet sold us for some gut parasites last year. I was going to be sure to write down the dosage . . . I think I have an escapee (broody) so I must dash - but plan to check back in. There is, if you want to see it, an article but it does not mention bumblefoot.
Couple of my ladies had bad case a month ago. I've had girls with worse cases than others and the lease worse ones will lay around so its funny their like us to certain point some handle a lot better than others. I hate the thought of cutting even though I have all the necessary supplies in a kit but I really do not want to. Some have great success with lancing it dressing and things seem to heal fine. I have duramycin on hand as well and not sure of dosage haven't used yet. Feel that anti needed if situation persist, leg is hot to touch or the duck just can't kick the problem you'll want to catch it before infection becomes internal. I took Amigas advice and Epsom salt soak twice daily try for 15 min. than Bactrian or neosporin non med only slathered on the foot. This could take a week but my girls bumbles really went down in size the neo seemed to soften the skin causing a little sore to develop and in one case Marsha actually nibbled the infection out herself so with a little time es soak/neo works. Another approach I had good success with was painting bottom of feet with iodine than apply neo before we put them up for night with no swimming water for the night. Hope she feels better soon.
Well, she seems about the same today, but the pad of her foot and ankle are definitely hot. I'm also a little worried because she keeps shaking. I don't think its because she`s cold or scared, so I guess its because her foot hurts.
Hopefully she starts showing some improvement soon.
Well, she seems about the same today, but the pad of her foot and ankle are definitely hot. I'm also a little worried because she keeps shaking. I don't think its because she`s cold or scared, so I guess its because her foot hurts.
Hopefully she starts showing some improvement soon.
I'm thinking you need to get her on an antibiotic asap. heat means infection big time. I am thinking haunted 55 said she has hers on Duramycin I'll see if she is available.
something to read in the mean time.
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I found references to two antibiotics.

One is mine, but I failed to note if it was Tylan 50 or another, so I might guess it's the Tylan 50, anyway, it was 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water for 7 days .
And the reference to Duramycin I found on BYC by Haunted55 is
Duramycin-10 at 1/2 tbls. per gallon for 7-10 days.
Thanks guys! I have Duramycin-10 so I`ll get her on that right away. Do I need to mix a new batch every day or can I go a day or two before I make a fresh batch?

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