Link to page about sexing Barred Rock chicks?


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
For the life of me I can't find a link I once went to that provided pictures of Barred Rock chicks with the markings that may (or may not) help to possibly determine with some degree of accuracy (I should have been a lawyer) what sex they may or may not be. I remembered about the feet however all of my "girls" have black/yello/grey feet. Good grief.

As well about the marking on the head, one of them has more of a blaze across the top whereas the others have smaller dots. I want to suss out the suspicious ones so I don't get too attached.
Males have larger, more irregular light areas on the top of the head. Females have smaller round ones. Sounds like you have one roo. But I don't think this is 100%, just a usually true sort of thing.

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