List your chicken breeds here!!

I am trying to collect as many breeds as i can, but downside to this, every time i search, i really don't end up with that many more. If you have chickens, please list what breed they are, and please don't use abbreviations (SS, RIR, EE etc.). I can never understand what they mean.
Thank you!!
Gold laced Brahma
Light Brahma
Dark Brahma
Buff Brahma
New Hampshire red
A few mutts
Easter egger frizzles- (green- gray egg)
California white/ ayam cemani mix gray egg
wyandotte-3 kinds columbian, solid blue, and blue laced red
polish- 2 kinds
Ayam cemani
Marans 3 kinds black, splash and cuckoo
Orpington- Buff, lavender, and blue
cochin blue and patridge
silver penciled rock
blue andelusian
Barnyard mixes
crested legbar
Blue bell egger
Sapphire gem

Roosters not keeping or replacing
Rhode Is. Red
Barred rock
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Barred Rock
Easter Egger
Starlight Green Egger
Midnight Majesty Marans
Calico Princess
Silkie - White, Blue
Barred Bantam Cochin
Old English Game Bantam - Red Pyle, black breasted red, Self Blue, Splash
Breasted Red,
Booted Bantam - Mille Fleur
Japanese Bantam - Mottled
White Frizzled Bantam Cochin
Serama (not 100% on proper color wording)
Dutch Bantam - (not 100% on the proper color wording for my 2 pullets)
Naked Neck
Cream Crested Legbar
Swedish Black aka Svort Hana
Blue Isbar
Barnyard mixes (several combos)
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Barred Rock
Easter Egger
Starlight Green Egger
Midnight Majesty Marans
Calico Princess
Silkie - White, Blue
Barred Bantam Cochin
Old English Game Bantam - Red Pyle, black breasted red, Self Blue, Splash
Breasted Red,
Booted Bantam - Mille Fleur
Japanese Bantam - Mottled
White Frizzled Bantam Cochin
Serama (not 100% on proper color wording)
Dutch Bantam - (not 100% on the proper color wording for my 2 pullets)
Naked Neck
Cream Crested Legbar
Swedish Black aka Svort Hana
Blue Isbar
Barnyard mixes (several combos)
Wow, nice list!
Salmon Faverolles, Rhode Island Reds, mille fleur d'uccle, gray d'uccle

As for what I've had over the years?

Golden sebright bantams, dutch bantam, silver laced polish, buff orpingtons, cream legbars, leghorns, barred rocks, delaware, speckled sussexes, easter eggers, australorps, silkies, ameracaunas, welsummers, white faced black spanish.. I know there's gotta be more but I'm gonna stop there.

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