listing auctions

Sorry. I just had to let it out. The auction situation is causing me to pull my hair out.
The BST for hatching eggs is disabled..... I just read a post and I'm trying to find out what I clicked that said the auction feature is NOT disabled just the proxy bidding....Any ideas or have you heard about this??? I was able to post a pair of turkeys.... but that's it!
OK, I think I got the hang of it now. Only problem~ when I go to post pics, and the "choose files" window opens some of my pics (mainly the ones I need) are missing! Why does that happen? I am using Linux OS on my laptop, with Firefox as my browser. This doesn't happen on other sites. Why are some pics missing in the pop-up window? How can I retrieve them? For now I remedy this by embedding pics from Photobucket into the listing. ??

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