Little Giant 9200 Still Air Incubator - humidity


Since I covered the windows I have not had to mess with it at all!

That's great! I would've tried that if I hadn't already given the eggs to my girl to sit on. Something to think about in the future lol.
The little Silkie chick is gone. candled really fast today and I decided to crack this egg and let the hen keep the other 4, although 1 maybe 2 look like they could, possibly, maybe hatch. The other 2 are quitters too. The Silkie s black like her daddy. I hate this! I never have any luck with hatching eggs. Grr. I was looking so forward to seeing her push her way out of the egg and fluff up and...WAH
I'm kidding. I'm a little upset but it happens. Mostly frustrated. The other 2 are, I think, completely filled up except for the air cell, which is huge. Looks like tomorrow's going to be the day if they're still going. I'm prepared to break broodiness Monday. So sad this is. If you want to see how far the Silkie came, the link is below.
Uhhhhhh lol good question! I need to take some don't i

I got my Christmas present early from DD's and it is four Ancona ducklings!!! Two didn't survive shipping but the other two are strong and doing well!

The little Silkie chick is gone. candled really fast today and I decided to crack this egg and let the hen keep the other 4, although 1 maybe 2 look like they could, possibly, maybe hatch. The other 2 are quitters too. The Silkie s black like her daddy. I hate this! I never have any luck with hatching eggs. Grr. I was looking so forward to seeing her push her way out of the egg and fluff up and...WAH
I'm kidding. I'm a little upset but it happens. Mostly frustrated. The other 2 are, I think, completely filled up except for the air cell, which is huge. Looks like tomorrow's going to be the day if they're still going. I'm prepared to break broodiness Monday. So sad this is. If you want to see how far the Silkie came, the link is below.

Sorry about losing them. hatching is not easy!
still air incubators do not maintain a constant temp throughout the incubator thats why at 101.5 in still air and 99.5 in circulated its closer to 99.5 at base where eggs are in still air
I have a still air incubator and two thermometers that are reading different temperatures. The digital is on the bottom and the other is on the top. Heat rises, so what should the temp be on the digital thermometer and what should the Mercury thermoemter read which is on top?
i dont understand . i just bought the same one and it says to keep the humidity between 60 and 80 percent and i have been struggling to get it up there. it was around 45 percent all the time. so, i did the paper towels trick i had heard about and a warm sponge right now it is up to 70 percent. am i misunderstanding something? What should the humidity be? Do i pull out one rd plug if it gets to a certain humidity? I am a newbie. i know eggs are fertile and am afraid im going to kill them...any help appreciated
Ha. Im gonna set 3\12 tomorrow and try the dry method. Wish me luckk. I also decided to use rice in the channels. Why. Because use what I have. Seems fitting tho. Cooking chickens and rice lol. I will remove rice on day 18. And replace with paper towel and water. This may be my last run with this bator. Building a cabinet. I'll post the levels of success and end result. Maybe some pics.
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OK I set 42 eggs today in this still air. Used rice in the water chambers. No water. Heat is 101 under element 98 behind. Best I could get it. And the test begins. So far iv managed to keep heat stable at those temps. The rice has surprised me as it holds heat quit well . day 7 I plan to candle. Day 18 I plan to remove rice and add papertowel to the water channel. Remove turner and place eggs in a paper egg crate with holes in bottom for lock down. Will keep you posted on my progress. The lg still air has b3en a issue for the last 2 years. But I have learned. A lot. That still air is not for me thus is why I'm also building me a cabinet. Will have pics in a few days or so. Lol. God bless wish me luck

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