Little Giant Hatch Along

Yeah, $11 shipping. I found a old cell phone charger but I dont know how to hook it up. Plus I may or may not be returning this LG to TSC. Undecided. But then I think I will need a brooder or I stagger hatches. Then I think well should I reurn the egg turner or keep it if I want to sell fertile eggs one day and want to turn them. I dont know. My husband asked "Didn't you just order a fancy incubator". He is so cute :)
Yeah, $11 shipping. I found a old cell phone charger but I dont know how to hook it up. Plus I may or may not be returning this LG to TSC. Undecided. But then I think I will need a brooder or I stagger hatches. Then I think well should I reurn the egg turner or keep it if I want to sell fertile eggs one day and want to turn them. I dont know. My husband asked "Didn't you just order a fancy incubator". He is so cute :)

All you do is cut a bit of the plastic off of both wires from the fan and a bit from the cell phone charger wire (cut the little thingy that plugs into the cell phone off too) and make sure your wires are the same length (the parts where you cut of the plastic coating). Then wire each side serperately (your husband can probably do this) and then plug in to see if it works. Ours didn't work the first time because our wires were not marked on the fan for negative/possitive. Re-wire if needed and then plug in again, making sure you use electrical tape on the wires. If it works then tape all wires together.

When you install the fan make sure the air is flowing up, not down. Ask me how I know.

I just 'jerry rigged' mine with bread ties in two oppisite corners in the 'free' space behind the thermostat.
I am not buying any more thremometers. I already have 5 (Almost $40 worth). I have my new Brinsea coming Tuesday of next week and I am putting my eggs in there. No more guessing. No more stressing. My life has come to a hault for the past 7 days. I cannot baby sit my LG any more. I know some of you have great results but I am not. I live in a very old historic stone house and I have no central air or heating. Just a wood stove and I only use that when its freezing out. So there isnt a single room in my home that has a steady temp and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I have tried everything in my power to make this LG still air work but last night I was up until 7:30 this morning watching temps. They had stayed at 100.6 for many hours so I went to sleep and woke up with 103.5. I will be lucky if my eggs are not completely ruined by the POS lG. They were likely at that temp for about 3 hours and I have been watching closely all day. Also, I am aready doing a dry incubation :)

Wow I only paid 1.60 for my glass thermometer.....

Well good luck!
Hey everyone, how are your eggs coming? I have been outside all day cleaning coops and the yard. I made the horrible mistake and did not put any sunblock on
I have the worst sun burn (sigh) I have 4 more eggs that I am not sure if they are still developing. I am considering getting a hovabator as they are cheaper than a brinsea, even tho I would love a brinsea, hahaha
Day 21 here, and one splash FCM is out and i have a few more pips in the hatcher. Last hatch my EEs and Orps popped out a day ahead of the marans but this time it's more uniform. I have 30 in there. Hoping for a 50% hatch. I candled before lockdown and kept anything I saw shadows in.
Almost day 18 (tomorrow) and I candled tonight with my son and he just wanted to eat those little chickies up.
He wanted to tickle them so bad, thought their movements were so cute.

Out of 19 eggs (who knows what they are) we had to take 2 out of the bator. One is clear (not fertile I guess) and the other is the one with the spot, no veins and no sign of life at all. Son wants to bury those, so we probably will tomorrow. So now we are down to 17. Our of those we have 15 that I can see movement and veins and 2 I just cant tell, they are too dark. I am leaving them in and going to see what happens.

I have a egg crate that my mom gave me it is the kind she buys her double yolk eggs in, its cardboard. I am going to cut that into sections tomorrow to place the eggs in when I take out the turner. Have got my sponges in the bator along with the rocks, so I think we are pretty much ready for lockdown.
Hello everyone! I just found this thread a couple of hours ago and have been reading up to pg 25 -26 then skipped to last pg. I just went this eve. to my ds to borrow his lg still air/w turner incubator, which he borrowed from my BIL, which they both hatched quail in. I have been reading up on hatching my own chicks. I want to get some black copper maran and ameraucana eggs to hatch, but they are rather expensive, so I decided I would try to hatch some of my own eggs. I have an ee roo over ee's, speckled sussex and rose-comb brown leghorns that I am going to experiment on. I have a couple of questions though, how should I disinfect and clean the syrofoam? I want to start tomorrow to get the bator set up and the temps correct. We heat with wood, so our temps in the house flux. I want to put it in different areas to test, and have it ready by next tues to put the eggs in. How many eggs should I start out with? I was thinking of six or eight. How does that sound? I hope it's not to late to join in! I'm so excited
and apprehensive
at the same time! I have really learned alot! I absolutely love
this site!! It has gotten me through a lot. I know that if I have any problems, or mishaps, or a celebration, there is always support!
They talk about the styrofoam being hard to clean/disinfect. I have one so I am looking for how to clean it. I would start with soap and water in the bottom part for sure...antibacterial. And then set it out in the sun to dry.

And wha we all have trouble with is the thermometers. I have bought 8....good thing DH is out of town! The two fish tank thermometers seem to be the best so far. I have four in the incubator and basically just take an average and hope that works for me.

And run the incubator for at least 24 hrs and document the temps and see if you can find what causes the changes in temps. One poster said to mark with a sharpie where the dial keeps the temp steady....did not do it and wish I had. Good luck...and you are right, there is lots of help on here!
Glad you came and joined us. I cleaned mine with soap and water, than I poured some peroxide, on the bottom. I was only able to wipe the top of the incubator down with a rag. I than let it sit all day in the sun. You could also try a bleach/water mix in a spray bottle and clean it with that. I wish I would have done that, but I had no bleach around. The on I am using was stored outside before I got it. So I have had a big problem with bacteria. You can set as many as you want! 8 does sound like a nice number to start with.

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