Little Giant Hatch Along

Well thought I was going to have a terrible hatch since the temps in my LG fluctuated from 93-105! I set 32 eggs and went with a dry hatch, did not add a single drop of water until day 10 or so when I added a sponge and added a small amount of water to the sponge. I did not candle at all, and kept the bator completely closed almost the whole time )except when it was at 105 when I tried to cool the bator down. Day 18 I started to candle and said the heck with it and didn't finish, put half the eggs in cartons and the other half on the bottom of the bator (on the grate). Day 18 I added water to all the reservoirs and added 2 sponges which I soaked. Then added a little water to one of the sponges every 5 hrs or so. Well so far I have over 18 eggs hatched!!!!!

Whats really funny is DH was having a hissy fit when I put that many eggs in the bator and he said he didnt want to build another coop...and I told him I would sell these chicks...this AM he says to me...guess we're gonna have to make a bigger "grazing area" huh?
They come around. First hatch I set 41 and hatched 32. Lost 2. Sold 20 and have 15 left. Yes, 15. My DH kept track from out of town where he is working. He still can't figure out my numbers! (trip to the feed store where they had some ameracanas the same age as my chicks)
Second hatch set 40 and hatched 38....had to toss the last two eggs. Was only going to set the cochin eggs, six and the blue eggs that are my DGD again six. He said ah, fill er up! So, I did.
Now he says are you going to set some about an enabler! I have already told him when he gets home sometime in the next week he better hit the ground ready to build the next coop and run!!
I do have a friend however who is interested in six BR's......that will help!

Men....they growl but they come around!
Hi everyone!
I have a question...How do you know if an egg goes bad? I'm a little nervous the temp was a little to high when I got home from work today. Normally it stays at 99.5 so I don't know how long it was at 105...should I worry?
Tiff A. :

Hi everyone!
I have a question...How do you know if an egg goes bad? I'm a little nervous the temp was a little to high when I got home from work today. Normally it stays at 99.5 so I don't know how long it was at 105...should I worry?

I had one go bad in my last hatch. i could smell it
you shouldnt be able to smell anything through the egg shell

also candle them lood for blood rings​
I was so grumpy this morning (day 21) because I awoke to see the 'bator had spiked to 106. I managed to cool it down and an hour later I heard peeping! I started bouncing around the house and now DH thinks I'm crazy
. I know I'm not home free yet, but I'm just happy that I managed to keep them alive so far!
Same at my house. DH doesn't want to admit that he really enjoys the chickens. He refers to them as 'your chickens' but he's always collecting scraps to give them as treats and lets them out to free range when I'm not home. I also have to negotiate - he gets to bring home a project car or piece of equipment if I want to add to my collection.

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