little songbird on road...


10 Years
Feb 4, 2009
Bangor, ME

Just saw this little guy on the road while driving, I almost mistook him for road gravel he's so small. Didn't make a move when I pulled back to him on the road or when I picked him up. Not sure if he's going to make it. I gave him a little hummingbird water mix to give him a boost. He's just chillin in a strawberry container at the moment.
Yeah, I might try that later, his eyes are shut and he's kind of wobbly right now. Making sad little cheeps every so often. He is the tiniest little thing, I bet he doesn't weigh more than an ounce. I think he got clipped by a car.
Is he warm enough? You should try to get some food in him asap. The longer you wait..the weaker he'll become. But dont force feed him either. Unless you know how to do it. Good luck! Hes a cutie!
It's about maybe 70 outside (Maine). Inside it's similar. I've got him in the strawberry quart with a paper towl and a netflix on top so it's a little dark with light coming through. How warm does he/she need to be? It appears to be an adult or almost adult bird
Good! birds need to be kept warm (not hot) when they get injured or sick. Dont over heat her. IF you see her panting..etc...then shes too hot.
Also..why shes alert..can you try to feed her? Some semi-warm canned cat or dog food. maybe? First try to see if she'll take it by herself....if not rub some on her beak lips...
so she can get the taste of it..
I softened a piece of dry dog food in the hummingbird food water and have been putting that on her beak. She's been sipping it. Her beak is so small I don't know if I can even get a little piece in.

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