Live video feed?


10 Years
Apr 11, 2009
Halifax, Pennsylvania
Hey everyone, I know people have done this (I think?!) and I was wondering if anyone knows how to set up a live video feed from a webcam onto the internet so I can try to watch my chickies hatch if I'm not home. (And of course I'd share the link with you all
) I have a webcam... I just don't know what to do now!
great, but i can't watch it since internet in my country is really slow and expensive.

but still it's great for those who live in other country.

but i think it will take 24 hours internet to get the video stream? i mean you'll have to attach it to a 24 hours running internet connection then, surely will costly except you've an unlimited one.
I'm on a shared broadband network so there's no time limit or anything. So far so good, my temps are maintained and my humidity is finally starting to rise. It's at 57%!

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