Lives lost per unit of meat eaten

Thread did go off on a couple tangents. Purpose was to discuss a measure of ineffeciency / waste with emphasis on lives consumed. It is a denser nutrient source than most plant based foods. Other relavent measures are pollution, carbon footprint, economics to name but a few. For me this was a new perspective despite not always the most accurate in the details. A more holistic approach would be better balanced but required more resources than a person sitting behind science desk can muster.
I'm not sure that I understand why the number of lives lost is relevant in this context. Its obvious that more chickens will have to die than steers to produce 1,000 pounds of meat.

As for efficiency:

I think many Americans eat more meat than is necessary, or that is good for them, as mentioned above it would be better to directly consume many of the feeds we give animals.

Seems to me that ruminants should be grazed on rough land that is not suitable for other agricultural purposes and taken from grazing directly to slaughter.

Hogs and poultry should be raised as much as possible on by products of human food production and where possible by foraging for themselves. Particularly in the case of hogs, only where they can do so without causing excessive damage.

These are just thoughts on minimizing inputs of natural resources.

If looked at as producing food to put on the grocery store shelf, as cheaply as possible, I think the American farmers and manufacturers are doing a good job now.

I also believe that our food is generally safe but there have always been and there will continue to be food borne illness. We should strive to minimize this however possible.

Lastly, I think the biggest inefficiency in this country comes from waste.
Scienentist tend to study things to death, literally... The lives lost are called sacrifices. I am not sure efficiency always means better. I do however agree with you on the wise use (stewardship) of the resources.
I did finally get that link to load and I read it. Had a book once on that but had to put it down about halfway through, tooo much..... of a downer.

I just wanted to say I support farmers and think they are doing a wonderful job producing our food.

I believe our way of life in the western civilization is wasteful compared to the rest of the world and does cause excess losses in the food industry.

I tend to type stuff and dont really explain my exact intent or meaning when I type (per earlier posts on this thread)
That is inarguable. However; do we want to trade what may or may not be a finite supply of fossil fuel for plastic packaging to be buried in a landfill? To give just one example.

When I process fish for fillets, 50% of the quality meat is discarded. When same fish are processed for consumption on the round nearly 80% of quality meat is available for consumption. When entire, or nealry entire fish such with smelt, then all or most can be consumed. If offal / waste has to be converted to animal feed then much of that waste is energy lost, not consumed by humans. The more waste, the more animals must be processed for a given level of human consumption.
We are a consumer driven society. What you suggest is probably not the best use of the resource and killing the demand for that product is really, I beleive the best way to stop it, not punishing the supplier as is commonly asserted by some in the circle that seem fit to assume it is thier responsibility.
That is inarguable. However; do we want to trade what may or may not be a finite supply of fossil fuel for plastic packaging to be buried in a landfill? To give just one example.
As I keep saying, if you people would only appoint me supreme ruler of all the galaxies, near and far, I could fix it. And never forget, it will hurt me more than it hurts you.

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