Lives lost per unit of meat eaten

Not response to point I am making. I eat meat as well, probably two to three times what you do as I am a big omnivore with strong carnivorous tendencies. I would probably eat your trolling butt and not be bothered unless you are laced with more pesticides than the average.

Impacts of our food production maybe sloppier than they should be.
There will always be animals dying for our food. Cows for hamburgers, chickens for eggs, etc. Is there a better way than the systems we currently have? Probably. But it'd have to be a plausible solution for every day farmers too. We didn't take every cow we had to the vet if they got sick. We didn't let them suffer, but we didn't spend a ton of money saving them either. Animals will always be the victim of humans. JMO.
Losses of concern to me not restricted to animals actually consumed. Wildlife and even plant communities get hammered to such a degree that many can not sustain themselves when pressured by some of our land management stratagies.

Also the business of feeding back animal by-products (i.e. blood and bone meals) to animals not effecient. We should be consuming those directly as well.
Do vegans live trap and humanely relocate insect pests in their gardens?

People value "lives" differently it goes like this: insects then other things without eyebrows, then horses, then dogs then people.

None of us are getting out of here alive.
And goose down blankets or jackets... they pluck those poor birds while alive...
Losses of concern to me not restricted to animals actually consumed. Wildlife and even plant communities get hammered to such a degree that many can not sustain themselves when pressured by some of our land management stratagies.

Also the business of feeding back animal by-products (i.e. blood and bone meals) to animals not effecient. We should be consuming those directly as well.

I agree to a point. However, in Florida, where we raised our cows, I believe the wild pigs and released pets are far more destructive to our native flora and fauna than our cows ever could have been.
Losses of concern to me not restricted to animals actually consumed. Wildlife and even plant communities get hammered to such a degree that many can not sustain themselves when pressured by some of our land management stratagies.

Also the business of feeding back animal by-products (i.e. blood and bone meals) to animals not effecient. We should be consuming those directly as well.

I agree to a point. However, in Florida, where we raised our cows, I believe the wild pigs and released pets are far more destructive to our native flora and fauna than our cows ever could have been.

That is another way we cause damage, through our pets and feral livestock.
I suppose that free ranged or pastured poultry utilize feeds that would not be available to be directly consumed by humans but I figure about 99% of what penned birds eat could be consumed directly.

Talk about inefficiency of production; think about how many of our resources are used to produce garbage. I'm not talking about garbage as in "not good", I mean garbage, the kind that my wife and I manage to accumulate a big curbside container of every week. And then pay somebody to come by in a big truck and haul it away for us. Still can't really understate how two humans produce this much trash in a week.

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