Lives lost per unit of meat eaten

No, I probably wouldn't like a grizzly bear living in my backyard. Hence the suggestion to set aside an area for them to live and not be messed with. I'm sure they do prefer garbage cans to hunting down prey. Kind of like a welfare mother driving a Cadillac and buying cakes to feed her ill gotten spawn.

I have no particular need to see bears or lions or tigers with my own two eyes but I do like knowing that they are out there, somewhere, other than a freezer locker or test tube.

I am a biologist and an agriculturist that has a reality rooted in all sorts of conflicts of interests. In the former role I work with many species that are in trouble because of inadequate volumes of suitable habitat and / or lack the inability to colonize suitable new habitat as existing habitat is degraded. My other role often involves activities that do the degrading. We gotta have food and a place to romp but do we have to have so much per person. We do not share well, especially with critters that require large expanses and have trouble crossing landscapes we modify, critters that require habitats that are ephemeral, or critters that require habitat that not subject to our typical management practices. If we set aside enough of the landscape for other critters, especially the bigger and keystone species, then we are also storing a form of “fat” that can be used by future generations. That “fat” can be genetic diversity with future nutritional or medical value, intact ecosystems that can provide insight into how we can more efficiently manage the ecosystems of immediate to humans. That “fat” could be an emergency use only landscape when drought or other disasters temporally degrade productivity of areas managed for our immediate uses. If we do not set aside the “fat” that is adequate for supporting lots of wildlife that is selfsustaining, then we could find our selves in boat similar to that occupied by folks in east African countries or China were droughts or other food production compromising events can not be compensated for and can lead to serious stress to a society.

The real root of issue is do we gotta have so many people. My co-workers would rather play in traffic than deal with that part of the equation relating to how we stress the environment.
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Yes touchy subject and everyone is so cordial on here. YAY!

There could be an argument made that in Eastern Africa the crisis of desertification has been caused by large plantation like settings in the early 20th century and land was degraded and not diverse enough to regenerate.

I like the idea of the (what da ya call ems) Those thouro-ways people are making through North America for wildlife to pass on their migration routes.
chickened doesnt always need to be diverse but what of the Monarch butterfly thats existance is tied to one tree in Mexico? (I hope I got my facts straight on this one
Its the milkweed here in the States , they need to lay their eggs on, for the young to feed on.

I planted a milkweed when I moved here 2 years ago and am so proud there were caterpillars all over it snacking on the leaves.

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