Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

Meanwhile, the remaining youth of Brahmalot enjoy thier expanded living quarters after 21 of their sisters and brothers went on quest to new lands.

Love is in the air as this little prince and princess have a little chat.

Will this be the young man who will steal Princess Snow White's heart?

Or does she have competition in this little princess, who is actually whiter than Snow!
OH MY SO SORRY to hear this...what a bummer........

yeah I agree, they fell in and drowed then his cousins shamo rooster that was really expensive like £200 fell in a sheep trough and drowned
Brahmalot has seven foster-children from the far-off kingdom of Seramalot. The children of Seramalot are much smaller than the youngsters of Brahmalot, but they are fast friends. One slight danger, watch out little guys - when you are enjoying a communal dust bath, you might just get buried!

Update: Old King Rocky continues to improve. He still has a limp, but doesn't have to use his wings to help him walk anymore. He is eating well, crowing, and even dancing a bit for his girls. He can no longer free range due to "differences" between him and King Samson, but he does get to come out of his mini-castle when the neighboring giants are out. Due to the rather sudden onset, this scribe thinks maybe he had a stroke and then the beating from King Samson, and he is recovering from both.
Update:  Old King Rocky continues to improve.  He still has a limp, but doesn't have to use his wings to help him walk anymore.  He is eating well, crowing, and even dancing a bit for his girls.  He can no longer free range due to "differences" between him and King Samson, but he does get to come out of his mini-castle when the neighboring giants are out.  Due to the rather sudden onset, this scribe thinks maybe he had a stroke and then the beating from King Samson, and he is recovering from both.

What wonderful news about Rocky... HAIL TO THE KING! :cd.

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