Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

I'm glad to hear that King Rocky has improved. With a big rooster like him, he has a lot of weight to carry on those old legs. It's good that he is managing better. My massive Orpington rooster who is over three years old had some difficulty walking for a while, too, but I never really figured out why. He is improving, as well. Let's hope the big, old roosters can stay on their feet for a long time to come.
Brahmalot had an unwelcome visitor yesterday. A winged dragon actually went inside the castle to try to catch one of the children! Luckily, one of the neighboring giants heard the ladies sounding the alarm. The beast is now gone and Brahmalot is safe for another day.
The babies were all under cover, so safe from the dragon. They now live in the new "annex" of the castle, built just for the purpose of keeping the Ladies and their children safe until they are old enough to venture outside.

Lady Blackie and her brood are happy to be out for a few minutes -

This little guy finds a feast!

... and the chase is on!

After their time outside, everybody is ready to go in for nap time.
In other areas of the kingdom, there was a special guest for dinner -

He stayed for a bit but had to run home.
LOL, the first time my feathery group saw a rabbit they freaked! You'd have thought it was a chicken ax murderer after them all. This was in the early days, nowadays I think Chipmunk the rooster would deal with such a dire beastie.

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