Look What I Got, Look What I Got!


That's good news because I have a whole slew of people waiting to meet them! (they are quite the local celebrities- if only the knew it!

They love everyone. Once they started to take treats from my hands I would bring people out with me and have them stand there while I fed them. Then later they would give them treats. Now when we have parties, there is a line of people waiting to get to the "petting zoo". They get a handful or corn and the goats go nuts. Just like dogs, they need to be exposed to as much as possible to make them good pets.
Oh and this morning I went and sat in their house with them. They were scared but eventually layed down. Abner looked very sleepy. Poor guy must not have slept a wink. He let me pet and scratch his neck and chin. Darby was more reluctant but when she layed down she let me very gently scratch her neck. She also sniffed my hand but would not eat out of it
They're adorable! I'm picking up a new little pygmy doe next weekend, and I'm excited too. This will bring me to 4 pygmy does-----one white, one black, one agouti and the new one is gold with a white spot on her forehead. I'm naming her Trixie.

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