LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

He is beautiful!!!
Cant wait to see him when he is a big boy!!!!
Here's our Max at 4 months and 1 week old. I don't think he qualifies as a teen-ager yet, but his hair sure is doing it's own "thang."
He is getting to be a very big boy for his age. He is now over 40 lbs but don't know exactly how much he weighs. We'll find out at the vets on Friday. Pardon the weird looking eyes. I tried to fix the glassy-eyed look you get when you use a flash with a dog. Max is turning out to be everything we want in an LGD. There's lots of coyotes, coons, bobcats and hawks around these parts, and he really does his job. Sometimes he sounds downright ferocious when he spots a real threat. The 'threat' usually turns tail when they hear his grown-up sounding bark. He's a great little boy!
Not sure what's happening with that... on your end I think. I see the image just fine. Hope it comes in for you eventually.

The problem was mine - the link wouldn't work until I entered it into the browser, then it popped right up.
Wow - I love the perspective of the photo. It makes Max look bigger than the chair behind him
... unless he really IS bigger than the chair behind him

Thanks for the updates - he's just adorable.
Max is looking good!!!!
There is nothing in the world like a Pyr....they make the best dogs...I know Max isnt pure bred but you can tell he has it in him and I am sure he has some of the good qualities of a Pyr. Cant wait to see more pics as he groes.

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