Looking for advice with building a coop for Cornish cross birds (Minnesota)


5 Years
Jul 29, 2014
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Hello! We started with 25 chicks to create a laying flock and after seeing how they grew in just 2 months we just had to add some meat birds to our little homestead.

I purchased 44 Cornish cross chickens last week and they are thriving! I'm working on creating their coop and outside space away from my laying flock and coop. I have a space picked and plan to create a hoop-house style coop completely wrapped with wire to prevent predation, covered with tarps to protect from the weather. My idea is to fence in a lightly wooded area (62' x 77' x 26') and create a tunnel to run from the coop to the fenced area. What I am struggling with is how big to make the coop space. My first thought after reading MANY posts was to go 8' x 12'. I have read many conflicting ideas about how much space the birds need to be healthy. While I am starting with 44 this round I might want to increase that when we do it again so I want to allow for some growth there too. I am in northern Minnesota if that helps. I welcome any advice, I'm a little overwhelmed with the conflicting info I am finding. Thank you in advance!!!!!!

I'm attaching this hoping it will help explain my space.

What the proposed fenced in area looks like, lots of shade/cover, bugs, etc.
I much prefer movable tractors...

Mine are 10x12 and hold 75 easily, they get moved one a day the length of the tractor.

I think the size of your coop will be ok, if they are only in there part time. You will have to train them to use the run, don't put the feed in the coop otherwise they will spend all their time in there and make a awful mess. As awesome as the growth is the amount of manure they produce is staggering.

Lots and lots of shavings will help

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