Looking for advice

Local Girls

Apr 22, 2021
Hi there!

This is my second time around with having chickens. I absolutely love the whole experience. It was about a 9 or 10 year gap, so I'm trying to remember somethings.
I'm sharing pics of the coop and run to ask if these the girls accommodations enable a happy life.
The run measures 16' * 8'. I haven't measured the coop and attached run, probably 4' * 8'. I have 4 girls. I keep them in the enclosure when I'm not at home or able to sit with them. I work remotely so I am able to let them free range for about 5 hours a day. Give or take an hour. Sometimes they sit on my lap while I work!

I have pine shavings on the ground inside the coop and just sand in the run.

Any tips or advice would be great!

Thank you!


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Thanks for your help. Not really raccoons here. I'm in South Orange County, California. But I'll secure to keep them as safe as possible!
There's raccoons in OC, they might not be numerous but they're out there.

Overall it's a nice space. The run could use a roost or two and a few bits of clutter to give the flock something to climb up on, run around, etc. during those times they can't free range: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/a-cluttered-run.1323792/

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