Looking for homes for potential cockerels for a spring school hatching project (CT/NY area)


♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
I apologize if this is in the wrong forum- I was unsure where to put it.
I am helping to run a project for some of the younger students at my school that will follow hatching eggs. This project will take place in the spring and will probably use cream legbar eggs or some other sex linked breed. I don’t know how many eggs we will be hatching, and I’m also not sure how old they want to keep the chicks until- I’m just looking for people who think that they could maybe either take in cockerels for keeping or eating, in the Fairfield County area.
Just curious, why sex-link? You could sell the chicks straight run after the project if you don’t know the sexes!

I’m hatching Easter Eggers with my students this year, and have 1 student with chickens who is taking a couple and have another person taking the rest. I was thinking about sex-links but this way it’s fair & completely straight-run for anyone who takes the chicks when they move out of our class at 2 weeks. (If by chance they don’t all get taken they are going to the family farm).

Good luck w your project, please tag me if you do a hatch-a-long with the kids!
Just curious, why sex-link? You could sell the chicks straight run after the project if you don’t know the sexes!
Because we have homes for the girl chicks (including maybe me), but they can only take girls, not straight run, which is why we’ll most likely be doing sex links. CCLs because the blue eggs are fun for the kids.
Good luck w your project, please tag me if you do a hatch-a-long with the kids!
Thank you, I will!
Will the incubator and brooder be in the school building?
Yes on the incubator, probably yes on the brooder- part of how I'm helping is going in on weekends for egg turning and chick care. I'm not sure how long we'll be keeping them for, though. If longer, they may stay at the teacher's house or at my house, or at the school farm.
Any raptor rescues nearby?
no idea.

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