Looking for Legbars


7 Years
May 28, 2013
If anyone knows a breeder of Legbars in Florida would you get in touch with me? I have Chocolate Orpingtons only now but would like to purchase some Legear Pullets or hens.
If anyone knows a breeder of Legbars in Florida would you get in touch with me? I have Chocolate Orpingtons only now but would like to purchase some Legear Pullets or hens.
Have you looked at the member page of the Cream Legbar Club? You also have Green Fire Farms in Fla (Paul Bradshaw) -- they had the original importation of CLs and have kept supplying people for years now.

Hope you find some, you will love the birds.

Thank you for the information. Yes I emailed Green Fire in Florida and they answered that they were not going to be breeding them any longer. They suggested Biefielder instead. Thought that since they were in Florida and sold to breeders here that there would be more people incubating and selling them. Guess not.

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