Looking for Orpington eggs or chicks


Ooops I did it again!
11 Years
Aug 27, 2008
Hi Everyone!

Finally joined and looking for people that sell Orpington eggs or chicks, all colors but buff.
I would like to be added to your lists.
I'm not a seller (and don't have an Orp roo, so I can't even breed them), but I do own 15 Buff pullets, and I thought I'd say, "Welcome!" I joined a month ago and visit at least once a day.

As for your question, you can try searching the forum. Click Search in the blue bar at the top of the page. Put Orp in the Keyword Search, and choose the Forum you want (either "Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade: Eggs", or "Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade: Chicks".) That should give you a list of current / previous sellers.
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