Losing Weight! Any ideas?

my favorite food is chips and pickles
Im gonna try losing 3 or 2 pounds this week will keep everyone updated
Losing that much in one week is not healthy at all. 1 1/2-2 pounds per week is fine, but anything over that can end up taxing your body too much and hurt your efforts in the long term. It'll essentially send your body into famine mode: IE holding onto as much weight as possible because your body *will * think it is enduring a famine and must hold on to as much fat as possible to survive.
thanks you guys keep me intact im gonna get more serious because in my mind after i lose weight i can eat whatever i want and once a person loses weight they dont wanna stop. This monday everything will be 1/3 for 6 meals every 2 or 3 hours.

When you get to your goal, you cannot eat whatever you want - or you'll end up right back where you are. It's a lifestyle change. When you are at your goal weight, you can have the bad stuff you want occasionally, but in moderation.
Unless you are 300 plus pounds, then no, it is not healthy, nor normal to lose three pounds or more a week.

Losing so much so fast will trigger your body to hold onto as much fat as possible (which is an evolutionary adaptation that helped to prevent our ancestors from starving to death too easily). The only thing you'll accomplish is losing muscle mass (your body will convert this into fuel to keep it going), which, because muscle mass is detrimental to the weight loss process, will further impede your goals.

If you are absolutely serious about losing weight, then I highly suggest you work on increasing muscle mass (more muscle means more calories burned per work out), and cut off 500 calories a week to start. You'll see results and won't have to deal with the effects of improper weight loss. All weight loss should accompany a life style change, and essentially the life style change should become your new normal. Healthy living is a commitment, and once you have lost the weight, you need to keep eating right and exercising to maintain your new weight. Not doing so will put you back on the path to gaining the weight back with a vengeance.

Just a note: unless you are taking steroids, putting muscle on won't cause you to beef up like those women who are professional body builders. So don't shy away from doing them over that misconception!
Right now im 190 and i wanna go down to 165 or 168 this is my biggest goal or even 170 i am going to go deep into losing weight after thanksgiving then im gonna keep at it and no distractions.
Ah. You weigh ten pounds less than me. I *used* to be 160, until I had to move back to my parents house, after losing my job due to lay offs. Needless to say, she thought I was starving and nagged me until I started eating more food to get her to stop.

I hope you don't have anyone that'll do that to you!

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