loss of circulation in ducklings foot! help!


May 9, 2015
a friend of mine has a duckling who's foot is swollen due to a loss in circulation. is there anyone who has any experience with this or knows what they can do? here is a picture of the ducklings foot
How do you know it's loss of circulation? Have you checked the whole leg, all the way up, for a leg band that was not removed? Or a hair wrapped around the leg?

Look! There's the leg band right there! That needs to come off!


A pair of toenail clippers might work - but whatever is used, care must be taken not to slice open the leg. The duckling needs help right now.
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yes they said it was due to the leg band and all the other ducks it had fallen off. he took the band off carefully already. what would be the next step?
I would put the little in lukewarm (75F) water deep enough to float in. It's young, so it may not be able to float for long - must be supervised constantly.

After that, I would consider wrapping the leg in an Epsom salt compress. I will do some thinking and get back to you.

My basic notions are - increase circulation, avoid further tissue damage.

And I am not angry with anyone - I know everyone is doing their best. But, wow, that does not look comfortable.

Getting back - any of my research on treating edema (swelling) gets back to - Epsom salt soak, gentle motion, even the right kind of massage, floating in water and swimming.

If you want to try, very gently massage - I mean, just barely touching the leg, no real pressure - from the foot, up the leg. The duckling may hate this, so I would just stick with tub time if possible, and Epsom salt compress. Remember it's a laxative, so don't just put it in the tub.


Thanks - you are so good to duckies.
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thank you I also suggested the warm water I will let him know about the Epsom salt wrap also. he feels just so terrible about it too sometimes mistakes happen and that's how we learn. I feel so bad for him and the poor little duckie
I think we all can relate - we just miss one little thing, things get hectic . . . I keep remembering ducks and ducklings can recover from some harrowing problems.
yes that is so true, about a week or so ago marceline was in an accident nothing too bad but somehow she got out of the pen and my sister had her dog over and well he wanted to play and before we could jump in he had pinned her down we stopped everything and marceline was very freaked out a little traumatized but she was fine I just held her and had her sleep in doors with me and of course Gunter had to come too haha be she just had a little scratch we cleaned it with warm water and it's completely healed I also gave her a little of the raw Apple cider vinegar in her water not.sure if it helps for that but she's back to.her happy quackin self
There are close calls, aren't there? Whew.

ACV has some electrolytes in it, it is said to be a tonic, so it makes sense to give her a little of that in the water.
whatever I did worked haha I.think she was just playing scared to sleep with me like when she was a duckling haha marceline has really turned to become and amazing gal she's extremely affectionate with me and loves snuggling now

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