
11 Years
Oct 22, 2008
New Zealand (Sth Island)
I have a black bantam orpington hen, currently in lay, who has lost a lot of her body and back feathers. Is this a mite or lice problem or is it a nutrition problem. I have dusted her and wormed her, what else should I be doing? Any thoughts, comments etc., greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.
feather loss problems-Roosters that are rough, or over breed the hens, Lice/mites (this also causes the birds to get weak, and sickly), never heard of worms causing feather loss. but i suppose its possible, molting, and occasionally.. Stress

My guess is it is an annual moult or roo damage since it's end of season so to say. Unless you see bugs, or have a fecal sample testing positive for worms, you probably don't have to treat for anything and will just have to wait.
Hi there, thanks very much for your replies. We are officially in Spring time here, the weather is actually ideal at this time of year; not too hot and not too cold. She started out with whispy fluff at the base of her tail (which I have noted with another hen and a rooster) and I didn't take too much notice and then suddenly no back feathers and when I lifted her off the roost to check more thoroughly she is missing a LOT of body and back feathers, so I was concerned and wondering if it is an infestation or food issue. I do not feed pellets or mash. I feed good wholesome food, and they free range every day with fresh water. Tonight they will get rice, greens and fish. They have free choice corn and wheat, oyster grit and I am wondering if there is anything else I should be doing? Just sprayed their roost again.

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