Lost 2 hens to similar symptoms. Looking for advice

Well that is why I asked because my math is the worst. So a 5 pound bird should receive about 5 mg per pound or 25 mg twice per day. Would that be 0.25 mg twice a day?

Ok.. Yes, she's 5 lbs... and i'm the WORST at math... oof! So the ml syringe will be filled to .25 ml... (which is half way between the .2 and .3 line... correct?
@Eggcessive - @Wyorp Rock and @casportpony - oh my it is a bit confusing for sure!!! But this is clear now and much better... I thought I understood, until I got the syringe out and saw 'ml'.... and was like OH NOOO!!!
And googling 'conversions' online was even MORE confusing because they wanted density of the liquid!?!?!??! GEES! So i got really confused then!
But this I can do now thanks to you three!!! :bow

Thank you so much for the help & support! You are gems!

I'm keeping all the formulas in a file... and between my fiddle students today -coming & going, I'm keeping an eye peeled for the mail truck! So I'll give her .25 ml as soon as I get the Baytrill, and then another .25 tonight late... And pray for the best!
And googling 'conversions' online was even MORE confusing because they wanted density of the liquid!?!?!??! GEES! So i got really confused then!
Yeah, that does me in to!

@Eggcessive - @Wyorp Rock and @casportpony - oh my it is a bit confusing for sure!!! But this is clear now and much better... I thought I understood, until I got the syringe out and saw 'ml'.... and was like OH NOOO!!!
And googling 'conversions' online was even MORE confusing because they wanted density of the liquid!?!?!??! GEES! So i got really confused then!
But this I can do now thanks to you three!!! :bow

Thank you so much for the help & support! You are gems!

I'm keeping all the formulas in a file... and between my fiddle students today -coming & going, I'm keeping an eye peeled for the mail truck! So I'll give her .25 ml as soon as I get the Baytrill, and then another .25 tonight late... And pray for the best!
:hugs I hope she starts to feel better soon.
I've been giving her favorite treats this week, but she's had NO interest in food - especially over the last few days. I felt her getting thin. Her crop looks a little better, and she's moving around a bit, but she still wasn't showing interest in food or favorite treats.

Today, around 2:30 pm, I fixed a bowl of fish & salad greens hoping she would eat before I gave her her the first dose of the Baytrill.

I was dismayed to see she had really terrible, messy bottom. She hasn't had that before... but I gave her the food like I'd done the last week - all to herself, so she didn't have to compete with the 'bossy girls'. Surprisingly, today, she actually ate non-stop - for about 15 minutes! I think that's a REALLY good sign!!! She ate till her crop was nice & full!

Then, I prepared & filled up a tub with epsom salts & warm water. I brought her in to sit and soak the mess off her bottom - which she seemed to like. I followed that with a nice, warm blow dry. She really seemed to like that too!!! She was surprisingly - very relaxed... so I took advantage of that, and gave her the first .25 ml of Baytrill... which she DID NOT like, but I followed it up with more soft blow dryer... and she settled down quickly.

She's totally dry & back out at the coop now, and when she got in, she shook her tail & began grooming herself! :)

I think the fact that she ate so heartily, is a really good sign... but I also think the Baytrill will help her too. I don't want to see her get worn down. So, we'll see what the droppings are like in the morning. :)

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