Lost 2 hens to similar symptoms. Looking for advice

Hi, I've given her 5 doses of the Baytrill so far... starting last Thursday night (the night it arrived in the mail). I"m taking her special, yummy breakfasts so she'll eat in the AM then dosing her... and at night after she's in the coop with a full crop. But she's still got the ucky liquid droppings... and she's definitely going to need another bath.
I know all this is totally based on care and knowledge of friends here on BYC... and I'm not sure what to expect, so I've got 2 questions:

1. I've never used this med before... so assuming the best - when do you project she might start showing some kind of improvement as far as her droppings (they might solidify up) and she'll act like she's not feeling punky?

2. Can the other girls catch this?!?!? They're big, and stout & healthy now... and I'm keeping the probiotics going... but that crossed my mind and gees... i worry... :(
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Is there still the yellow egg-like material in the droppings, or are they just runny? I haven’t used Baytril, but most antibiotics can cause diarrhea. Hopefully, it will go away after the end of the antibiotics. I use plain Chobani yogurt-1 tsp per chicken for probiotics. Some use Probios Powder, and there are some probiotic powder packets that my vet swears are much more beneficial than yogurt. Fortiflora by PurinaProPlan is the brand. I also have used a little cottage cheese for one hen to firm up her stools. At some point, you may want to get a fecal test performed at your vet, which looks for coccidiosis and worms. Here is one that is bought on Amazon and sent in for testing, but I have not used it:
Is there still the yellow egg-like material in the droppings, or are they just runny? I haven’t used Baytril, but most antibiotics can cause diarrhea. Hopefully, it will go away after the end of the antibiotics. I use plain Chobani yogurt-1 tsp per chicken for probiotics. Some use Probios Powder, and there are some probiotic powder packets that my vet swears are much more beneficial than yogurt. Fortiflora by PurinaProPlan is the brand. I also have used a little cottage cheese for one hen to firm up her stools. At some point, you may want to get a fecal test performed at your vet, which looks for coccidiosis and worms. Here is one that is bought on Amazon and sent in for testing, but I have not used it:

Hi, Good morning! I don't see that yellow looking stuff anymore... it's just super runny. I was SO glad to read this...I was starting to feel a little discouraged. I didn't know the meds would cause more diarrhea, so I'm glad to know it.

I have that yogurt, and the powder Pro-Bios, and I've been giving them every other day with this illness (usually I only do it 2x a week) and a few drops of B complex in their mash... I also use ACV alternated with Garlic in their water.

Cottage cheese... ok! Good idea! She's got some seriously gross drizzles I'll try that today.

I wormed everyone about 1.5 weeks ago, but the worming was expen$ive at the Vet... so I'll definitely try this test kit!!!

I've got the last dose of Baytrill on Tuesday morning, and she'll be through the 5 days...
If you are using ProBios, then I would stop the yogurt. Too much yogurt may cause diarrhea. Dawg53 sometimes recommends cooked rice and buttermilk for diarrhea, but not too much since too much dairy can cause more diarrhea. Rice (cooked only in chickens,) and cottage cheese will help firm up poops.
If you are using ProBios, then I would stop the yogurt. Too much yogurt may cause diarrhea. Dawg53 sometimes recommends cooked rice and buttermilk for diarrhea, but not too much since too much dairy can cause more diarrhea. Rice (cooked only in chickens,) and cottage cheese will help firm up poops.

I just took some warm, cooked rice out to her... topped with some sunflower seeds. I didn't have any cottage cheese - I'll get some tomorrow if I can get out... it's getting wicked cold here in the next few hours - and the girls are in for a real fast, deep freeze. I'm going to leave her outside, and hope for the best... the coop's battened down for the storm - I'll take some scratch out for them in a little bit... before her last med for tonight. Again, I can't say thank you enough for all your help. :love
It's been 4 days since I administered the last dose of a 5 day course of Baytrill to my Australorp Opal. - (that was 2 doses a day, 1 morning & 1 night - of .025ml - for 5 days).
It's been 22 days now since I first began to worrying about her, giving her warm soaks in epsom salts for her icky bottom... then blowing her feathers dry with a warm blow dryer. She seemed to rally around a little bit here & there, but just now, this afternoon - I sat & watched all the girls... & came to the realization that I'm probably going to loose her. I think she's loosing the fight... I just feel so sad, & discouraged...
opal - 1.jpg
opal - 2.jpg

She did eat this morning, and her feathers are shiny, but she's all tucked in... :( We all tried so hard... it breaks my heart.
It's been 4 days since I administered the last dose of a 5 day course of Baytrill to my Australorp Opal. - (that was 2 doses a day, 1 morning & 1 night - of .025ml - for 5 days).
It's been 22 days now since I first began to worrying about her, giving her warm soaks in epsom salts for her icky bottom... then blowing her feathers dry with a warm blow dryer. She seemed to rally around a little bit here & there, but just now, this afternoon - I sat & watched all the girls... & came to the realization that I'm probably going to loose her. I think she's loosing the fight... I just feel so sad, & discouraged...
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She did eat this morning, and her feathers are shiny, but she's all tucked in... :( We all tried so hard... it breaks my heart.
I'm so sorry:hugs

If you lose her, do you plan on getting testing/necropsy to find out what has been going on with her?
I am really so sorry that she has not gotten better. Hugs.

Thank you @Eggcessive... I am so appreciative for the time and energy that you, @Wyorp Rock @casportpony offered. I know you all offered everything within your knowledge to help guide me through this, and help her... but I guess it just was beyond our power. :( But everyone's efforts...were greatly appreciated.

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