Lost a beautiful little girl today

Thanks for all your kind words. I think I am most surprised by how much it is bothering me. My chickens are definitely like pets to me, but to lose one so suddenly, especially one that I was very fond of and had such a cute personality, is very hard. I have had many animals over the years, still do. I have had to deal with alot of deaths. Most have been the result of on going issues, cancer, kidney failure, even Marek's disease. While nursing these animals,until it was clear they were no longer enjoying life, I would have in the back of my head that some day soon, I was going to lose them. I rarely ever lost a pet suddenly and unexpectedly like this. I am still having a hard time getting used to the idea that when I go out to see the chickens, Venus won't be out there, right behind me, investigating my every move. It is nice to have a place where there are people who understand what I am feeling and going through. My family was very sympathetic to my loss, but it was obvious it didn't bother them as much. Probably because they don't deal with the chickens half as much as I do. Not to mention, I get very attached to my pets, regardless of their species. I just hope she went quickly, and that she didn't suffer. I'm getting teary eyed writing this, so I am going to go now. Thanks again everyone.
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R.I.P Venus... Hugs to you... I HATE it when "outsiders" say well REALY its just a chicken... UGGGG BURNS ME UP... Once again hugs to you and best wishes.

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