Lost my Silkie :(

I had several like that my first hatch I had a young 6 month old banty go broody after she laid her first egg and I couldn't break her so she sat on 8 eggs and only one hatched how I don't know but he did. Several of the eggs made it to day 10 and 2 to day 15 but very severaly underdeveloped for their age and most only made it thru the first week but the nest got trashed by a young polish hen daily who now has a new home and now I have a young 8 month broody silkie who's has 4 eight day old eggs and so far all 4 are looking very good.
This is why many of us won't set pullet eggs. I'm sorry that happened to you. See if you can get a few more eggs from him after she's been laying a few months. Good luck!

We also don't set pullet eggs but all that aside, so so sorry for your loss.
Thanks guys, Its nice having people to talk to who understand. Alot of my friends an family believe that chickens are just food and they think Im silly for spoiling them and treating them like pets. My BF has gotten over the fact that I bring them inside and take my Satsu (Barred Rock) for walks with us, he even lets me take her to town (when I know I will just be sitting in the car) and doesnt even roll his eyes anymore

These eggs are a great way for me to focus on something positive and forget the stack of bills waiting on the counter. Im in this to learn the whole process and in 11 more days I will have at least 1 baby fluffy butt to show for my hard work and research
Chicken therapy is the best way to get your mind off bills and other little nasties

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