Lost one of my emu babies

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This is exactly what I was thinking !

Welasharon said it wonderfully, Mary. I am so sorry for the loss of your little PeeWee, but freak accidents happen over which we have no control. I am so glad PeeWee had you to comfort him. You're such a good Mommy-Warden!!!!

I'm sorry for your loss. I only have one he is 3 months and 2 days old and I dont know what I would do if I were to loose him after all I've been through with him. With me only having one it makes me be even more attached to him so it would be a hard loss to cope with. I know your having a hard time dealing with the loss and all the thoughts of self guilt, just know that he is in a better place now since you decided to euthanize him and he would thank you for putting him out of his pain and misery.
Mary, good to see you back on the boards! I don't think a single day goes by that KnockKnock doesn't give me cause for concern! From literally climbing out of a pen (and in the process losing a toe nail), to chasing my 3 horses into their pasture, to jumping off 3' high retaining walls. There's never a dull moment with that bird!

Accidents can, and do, happen. We learn from them. And often we learn from each other's experiences. Your critters are very lucky to be with someone who cares so much for them. We'll get our crazy birds to that one year mark and celebrate! BTW, I still "blame" you for spoiling KK rotten

Be easy on yourself

Thanks for your kind words Eve. While I agree that I spoiled KnockKnock, you have certainly had him back long enough to have straightened him out! Can you really straighten out an emu? Michael was mowing the pasture today and the silly emus had no fear of the riding mower. He said many times he had to go in reverse because they were standing in front of him and wouldn't move. Next time DH mows, they are getting locked in their pen, like it or not! My local chicken BFF, Happy Chooks came by for a visit today wearing pink nail polish! What an amateur! I am trying to talk her into getting emus next year. March 24, 2012 we will meet for lunch and celebrate should our emus use what little brains they have to survive until then. Mark your calendar!

I had to separate the fainting goats and donkeys too. Apparently, fainting goats don't have many neurons either!



I am SO sorry for your loss! But honestly I thank you sooooo much for posting about it! You may have saved several future emus lives by sharing your unfortunate experience. I don't have any emus, but would like some in the future, and could have easily had the same thing happen to me. Accidents happen- it was not your fault, and by sharing I really think you have saved some lives....

PS- can even Non-emu owners like me attend this Emu lunch to learn more...?
March 24th, 2012 it is! I've got it on my calendar. Since you've come down this way a couple of times now, it's my turn to make the drive up your way.

Every day is an adventure with these crazy youngsters.

2buckskins, yep, non emu owners are welcome. There's nothing we'd like more than getting someone else thoroughly in love with these birds
. Love your nickname... buckskin horses? I have three paints.

Mary, keep those pics coming... I love seeing your critters!

Take care,
Thanks Eve! We put up a chain link enclosure for the goats today right next to the emu enclosure. Mary Catherine and Stuart was right there every step of the way, unfortunately. Goats are helpful but emus are really helpful. I was hand tightening nuts inside the enclosure while DH held the bolt on the outside. Why were all three goats and both emus inside the enclosure with me? Every time I turned the nut they both pecked my fingers. We finally got it done, for now. We will be covering the sides with siding to match the barn and putting on a tin roof instead of the chicken wire and tarps we have now. The emus have a 6x10 enclosure and the goats 10x10. We have trained them to go in at night by feeding them then. It is working well, it was just the goats had outgrown the small kennel they were sleeping in. This should be a comfy set-up that will accommodate them even after they are fully grown. They get let out in the morning to roam the ranch all day. When it looks better than the shanty town it looks like now I will post pics.


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