Lost one of the girls today...


Sep 2, 2018
Southern Minnesota
This morning, when I went out to the coop, I found one of my 9 month old Buff Orpingtons dead. She was just laying there on the floor not moving. Poor girl. She was quite stiff already, so had likely been that way for a couple of hours already. She was such a sweet one. This is my first loss to a natural death in the 3 years I have had chickens. As is normally the case, she seemed absolutely fine yesterday. I looked over the body, but didn't find anything that would point to anything obvious that might have killed her externally.

Maybe I shouldn't have named her Corona!

My rooster keeps going back into the coop, and sitting on the spot where she died and clucking. It's like he misses her, and wants to know where she went. The rest of the hens are a bit more subdued this morning too, like they just know they lost a friend.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Chickens are self aware and they know when one is missing.

I lost a younger one just like that. My husband found her on the floor of the coop with her mom and a friend sitting close by. The mom was very upset when my husband took the body away. :(

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