Lost our First Hen =(


5 Years
Feb 22, 2017
Chesterfield, VA
Came out this morning and one of our six girls was dead. No real warning signs, and no external signs of trauma.

The 6 of them seemed healthy. They were out running and scratching yesterday (first time in a few days of heavy rain). We have been getting about 4 eggs per day out of the six of them, which I felt was pretty good considering the shorter winter daylight.

It has been VERY wet lately and half of their run is pretty muddy. But there is dry space and their coop is dry as a bone. All the other girls seem healthy, with big bright red combs and following me everywhere like usual. Only thing that is odd is they are a little dirty because they can't find any good place to dust bath because it has been so wet lately.

My little boys will be so sad when they get home from school =(
There are many reasons for this tragic death. Could be due to genetics, random heart attacks (it happens sadly), too much stress, too cold, something she ate, etc.

I’m sorry for your loss, and I hope your boys aren’t too heart-broken.

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