
May 24, 2022
Central Texas
Rose was a silver Appleyard female, one of four females (the golden girls) just at 9 months. There is another SA and two buff orpington.
Not sure why she passed
I know it's almost impossible to tell (outside of obvious signs) and she looked normal/ was acting normal
Two nights ago, we did a bumblefoot procedure on her left foot. Very similar to one we did almost two weeks ago to the other SA. But not nearly as intense or deep. She took it well and it didn't seem to have any issues at all, other than not walking perfectly with the big shoes on.
She has been acting completely normally and have gotten 4 eggs from the 4 ducks regularly the last days.
I'm hoping i didn't kill her with the surgery... but based on how minor it was i don't think (and hope) it wasnt that.
The four girls (two in shoes) were free ranging in the most protected yard because there's no water other than their drinkers i refill a few times a day. While hot, it has cooled down considerably from recent times and they spend most of their time in shade or hunting bugs.
When she didn't come with the others to peas i knew something was amiss.

Is it possible that the other ducks (the two buff) killed her? I've heard of it but have no experience with that.
She was also a big jumper; im guessing its possible she tried to jump up onto the deck (which wouldn't be possible but she could have tried) and broke something or her neck. That's where i found her.
Other than that, no idea. I did find a soft egg later in the evening but don't think was hers. And she had been laying normally.
I guess any thoughts help or if i should change the makeup of the ducks while rehabbing but it's a very strange one
Thanks for all the help 20230919_191943.jpg
Rose was a beauty; I am sorry for your loss.

Often, when I lose a chicken, I can figure out why. When I lose a duck, I rarely know the reason. I have literally walked outside, and they're fine; I walk out a few hours later, and they are gone.

I hope someone can offer you a reasonable explanation of what might have happened. In the meantime, take care of yourself and the rest of the Golden Girls.
I am so sorry for you loss, Rose was beautiful.

I had a similar happen One of my Riunner just barely over a year old was running around with the flock one day and the next I found her in the coop dead but laying just like she fell asleep but didn't wake up. The only thing I could guess was egg-bound I couldn't bring myself to open her up. It's heartbreaking to lose one, but I doubt your working on her Bumble had anything to do with it. They are just way too good at hiding any problems until it is too late for us to do anything to help them.
I also doubt your other ducks killed her.

You gave her a wonderful life and I am sure she knew she was loved. Hold onto that thought. :hugs
Rose was a beauty; I am sorry for your loss.

Often, when I lose a chicken, I can figure out why. When I lose a duck, I rarely know the reason. I have literally walked outside, and they're fine; I walk out a few hours later, and they are gone.

I hope someone can offer you a reasonable explanation of what might have happened. In the meantime, take care of yourself and the rest of the Golden Girls.
Thanks that's helpful to know. Crazy how it happened that fast
I am so sorry for you loss, Rose was beautiful.

I had a similar happen One of my Riunner just barely over a year old was running around with the flock one day and the next I found her in the coop dead but laying just like she fell asleep but didn't wake up. The only thing I could guess was egg-bound I couldn't bring myself to open her up. It's heartbreaking to lose one, but I doubt your working on her Bumble had anything to do with it. They are just way too good at hiding any problems until it is too late for us to do anything to help them.
I also doubt your other ducks killed her.

You gave her a wonderful life and I am sure she knew she was loved. Hold onto that thought. :hugs
Appreciate it.
Helpful as well, i hguess it could have been an internal malaise or she was just too adventurous as a free ranging duck
Glad it was unlikely those other options, as they seemed like strange reasons but i guess i was just looking for a reason so the other ducks don't befall the same fate

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