"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I gave in and ordered the crop bra. This is my last hope for Lucy. I am now treating her (3rd day) with nystatin. I am very frustrated!!! Fingers crossed that the crop bra will end up helping. I have exhausted the search locally for alternatives.
I gave in and ordered the crop bra. This is my last hope for Lucy. I am now treating her (3rd day) with nystatin. I am very frustrated!!! Fingers crossed that the crop bra will end up helping. I have exhausted the search locally for alternatives.

Sorry to hear that she is not doing better. Good job on ordering the bra. Let's pray that this helps Lucy. :fl
Does anyone get coupons in their newspaper? If so, if you don't use the coupons, please let me know. I am looking for the Smart Source and Red Plum inserts and any other coupons . I can send you envelopes and stamps so that you can mail them to me.

Sorry to hear that she is not doing better. Good job on ordering the bra. Let's pray that this helps Lucy.
Thanks. I have tried so many things already. Not feeling very optimistic about the bra, but willing to try it. I've got my fingers crossed too.
Good morning Peeps. I hope that everyone had a great day yesterday and will have a great day today.

My "What happened" moment happened yesterday when I was checking my surveillance cameras before going to be and I noticed that the position of one of the cameras on the back side of the house had been moved. After rewinding the tape to see what happened, I was shocked at what I saw next. The pictures tell it all. :/



Gone.................... BAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The SILLY WILLY duck flew into the camera. After she flew into it, I noticed that the view of the position changed.

So this is the sorta foolishness that goes on when I'm at work.

Why me? :idunno

She thought you were invading their privacy! :gig :lau
Does anyone get coupons in their newspaper? If so, if you don't use the coupons, please let me know. I am looking for the Smart Source and Red Plum inserts and any other coupons . I can send you envelopes and stamps so that you can mail them to me.


I'm not using them for the most part one in a blue moon they will have one I'll use. Their yours if you want them. Pam
Does anyone get coupons in their newspaper? If so, if you don't use the coupons, please let me know. I am looking for the Smart Source and Red Plum inserts and any other coupons . I can send you envelopes and stamps so that you can mail them to me.


I'm not using them for the most part one in a blue moon they will have one I'll use. Their yours if you want them. Pam

That would be great!!! :weee

I can send you several envelopes with a stamp on each envelope and my name and address already filled out and all you have to do is put the coupons in the envelope and mail them when you get a chance. Is that ok? If so, can you PM me your address and I can get the envelopes out tomorrow. I do appreciate that.

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