"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I'm trying to convince myself I don't need to hatch out more RIRs...
If you can hold off for about a month or so I should have some of those most beautiful NH penned together and getting hatching eggs from by then to go along with your RIReggs but if the temptation is too much for you to bear, go on ahead with the RIRs and you can rear up some of these later on.

Just trying to help you out on making your decisions there Terri

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I am so excited!!!! I am hatching some eggs and have exactly a week left on there expected hatch day :) ...I'll just be happy if one hatch and makes it...My first time with the incubator..sorry had to share. Go chicks go!!!
I have been trying to hire a high school kid or young teenager to work at my place on the weekend cleaning coops, chicken houses, waterers, feeders, etc but I don't think kids want to work anymore or maybe the job is too hard.

What! and to think they might get a little nasty, smelly stuff/pooh-pooh on them, unh uh, why that's blasphemy Kuntrygirl. what you thinkin'
I know I'd like to take a break here for a weekend or so and have 2 almost full grown boys here neighbor/cousins but I just couldn't even bear the thought/idea of leaving them the simplest thing to do to help me out for a day or two, why I'd be so miserable all that whole time wondering what didn't they do or worse still yet what DID the do for me while I was not there to make sure all went well. No siree. Bob

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Hello from Bush, La. I have 2 "don't bother me" barnvelders, 2 sassy amercaunas and 2 laid back buff orpingtons. Hens all...we are still waiting for the magic eggs to arrive. I am ready to import a "laying instructor".
Well! Lots of New eggs in La! Hello PrimroseMom1, James Hill and cajunchick!!

Chris,.. all I can say is Wow on the beautiful birds,.. if wonderful to see fine birds being bred in Louisiana.

Terra Ann,.. if you got some of Jeff's NH eggs,.. you would just HAVE to hatch!!!

Roxxanne,.. on BYC you NEVER have to be "sorry for sharing"!! That's what we are all doing here,.. we know how you feel!

Hope it a great hatch!

Just got back back from TSC,.. the price of shavings went down a dollar,..I know it's only a dollar,.. but we were so happy,.. we used that dollar to buy some Peanut M&M's! I think Olivia is tired of hearing me say,.. all this used to be farm land ,.and all this used to be a cow pastures,.. every time we go into Covington,.. I'm starting to sound like my grandmother .
Three more eggs today!!! My hens are back in business! I was starting to wonder, they took a three month break. I would like to add a few Delawares to my flock, I have not tried them yet and if anyone close has any pulleys or hens for sale just pm me Pleeeaaasssseeee!

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