loving my chickens!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
I am new to raising chickens, but am absolutely addicted! My baby is two, so I needed something to care for!

I have 2 RIR hens 1 yo I got them 2 months ago. I just added 6 Red Star 20 week old pullets. The pullets are not laying yet. They are so funny! They needed to be put to bed (the RIRs take care of themselves). THey were sleeping in the nesting boxes. I fill them at night now. I love caring for them.
I just love it when they run when they hear me coming. I wish my kids did this.
Oh with a good number of girls now, you will get so see some real fun antics. Enjoy them.... Welcome to BYC, you will love it here.
and enjoy the addiction! It's one of the most satisfying and rewarding pursuits you'll ever engage in! Yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly on the coming when they're called better than human children do!
I've never had to call my flock twice! The teen aged creature that lives with us is another matter all together!!

I can tell you right now you're going to fall more in love every day with your Red Stars! They are quite possibly one of the most humorous breeds out there. At least I know from experience that mine are. And they're also one of the most hardy. I've watched my girls plow through three feet of snow and more and still lay eggs all winter long. I'm down to just 3 and wish I had 300 of them! They're just a total delight! I could go on and on forever about Red Stars!
But I won't because we all have other things to do!

So, once again, welcome to the wonderful world of chickens and BYC! I hope you'll make us part of your daily routine!

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