Loving the chick life!

They don't seem to get all fluffed up while sleeping, though they spend a lot of time preening for their big girl(or boy) feathers. I tried introducing them to my dog, but he's such a scaredy cat that he hid under my mom's legs. The only one I'd have to worry about would be my uncle's jackie who has attacked squirrels before. Though they're moving soon hopefully and I won't have to worry as much. I think my peepers would fall off roosts though since they seem to fall over quite often just sitting down lol
At first they might fall off. That's just like my dogs they are scared of them as well! The cockerel chicks grow more pointed feathers and are often more alert than pullets, that's how I tell and I get nearly 80% correct on guests. Can the dog get through the fencing on your lawn? I lost twenty five high-birds to dogs! Hopefully, they won't get hurt, as long as you watch them. Have your chicks been sticking their wings out with their mouth open? That's just when they're hot, so don't worry. I have to take my Barred Rocks to a fan because they just lay around in the shade and don't eat much! You'll want a dust box for your chicks because they need to get rid of mites and little creatures living in their down. If your brooder is bedded with wood chips, then that's good enough. That's nice that your chicks are able to preen! My hens hatched broods yesterday and some had no beak! Very sad reality! He isn't going to look as nice and shiny as the rest
The brooder is inside and only has newspaper as bedding. no dogs have gotten into my fenced area, nor any animals aside from ducks, squirres, and the odd turtle. I'm not sure if either are more alert than the other at this point. What does a no beaked chick look like?

You might not want news paper in a brooder because I almost lost two of mine because they slipped on paper and broke their legs! Yes, it's normal! You're chicks seem to be very typical! They'll do that before they sunbath in litter or dust as well! They love lying in the dust and flicking dust up through their wings! It give them lots to do and will help you keep them occupied! I can get a pic of the chick for you! I have one in my forum under -----

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I've been using paper towels as I was not totally prepared. The chick is adorable though! Hopefully it survives! I'm glad to hear that my chicks are normal :3

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